Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Table of Contents


Each step indicator will change shape, colour and border as you fill out the form.  The active step indicator's border will have a brighter coloured, and the indicator will turn square-shaped and orange-coloured when your data is valid and can be submitted.

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In addition, a step indicator can display a step's state.  Here the tick under the step indicator shows that the step has been performed…


The default view, the screen you land on when navigating to the tool, allows you to track an existing dataset, request information about a record within that dataset or create a new dataset. It looks like this:


A. Step Indicator: indicates that "Track Dataset Processing" is the current step.  Once other steps become available then clicking this will return you to this step.
B. Dataset Id Input: used to enter the id of a previously uploaded dataset.
C. Record Id Input: used to enter the id of a record within the specified dataset. It enables when a dataset id is entered.
D. Track Button: submits the value in the dataset id input. It enables when a dataset id is entered and, when clicked, takes you to the “Track Dataset Processing” functionality (see below).
E. Track Button: submits the value in the record id input. It enables when a record id is entered and, when clicked, takes you to the “Record Report” functionality (see below).
F. Create New Dataset Link: enables and navigates to the “Upload a new Dataset” functionality (see below).


The “Upload Dataset” view looks like this:


A. Step Indicator: indicates that "Upload Database" is the current step.  If you switch to another step then clicking this will return you to this step.
B. The dataset name input field.  A dataset name is valid if it contains only letters, digits and the underscore character (‘_’).
C. The dataset country drop-down.
D. The dataset language drop-down.
E. The harvest protocol radio button set.
F. The zip file input.  This appears because “file upload” is the selected protocol.  If the selected protocol is changed to “OAI-PMH upload” or “HTTP upload” then an alternative field (or set of fields) will appear here.
G. An (optional) checkbox to specify that you want the Metis Sandbox Server to transform your dataset using XSLT.  If selected then a file input will appear below it allowing you to upload an XSL file.
H. Step Indicator (inactive): clicking this will take you to the “Track Dataset Processing” step.
I. The “Submit” button: enables when all the (obligatory) fields have been completed.


A submitted dataset id will bring up the track dataset processing view. It will also change the page’s url to reflect the id of the dataset processing being displayed.  The dataset processing view looks like this:


A. The dataset name.  The tick after the dataset name indicates that processing is complete
B. An (optional) flag indicating whether the dataset was xsl-transformed
C. The processing date, preceded by an (optional) flag indicating that not all records in the dataset were processed
D. The country and language of the dataset
E. The processing steps performed on the dataset (they correspond to the list of items just below, element F).
F. The details of the processing steps performed on the dataset
G. The (optional) warning indicating that not all records in the dataset were processed
H. The (not enabled) record id field
I. The dataset ID of the current dataset
J. A link to the dataset preview as it would look like on Europeana


The colours of each step indicate how successful this step was:

  • Green: step completed without errors, all records are considered for ingestion

  • Yellow: non critical warning. Problems with the records have been detected, but the records will still be considered for ingestion.

  • Red: critical warning. Incomplete records have been detected, these records will no longer be considered for ingestion.


Shown below is an example of a dataset that processed with many errors:


A. A link to the errors window
B. The bold font of the number indicates that this is another link to the errors window
C. No report is available for this error, so the the number does not have a bold font and there is no link to the errors window


You can search for a record using either of these record ids, so the “Report” button will enable itself when any sequence of non-whitespace characters has been entered into the record id field.  If, however, the UI detects that you’ve entered an id that matches the format of a valid Europeana record id, then it will show a line connecting the record id with the dataset id, as shown here:

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A. The record id begins with a slash followed by the dataset id, so the id fields are shown as connected
B. The “Report” button can now be clicked


You navigate between these sections by clicking on the corresponding navigation orbs, highlighted as “C” in the diagram below.   The computed value of each section is shown below these navigation orbs.  In the illustration below these are “3” (for the content tier) and “A” (for the metadata tier).


A. Step Indicator: the inactive "Track Dataset Processing" step, if clicked, will return you to the dataset tracking step
B. The Record Report summary: top-level information about this record
C. Report Navigation Orbs: these allow you to switch between the "content tier" and "metadata tier" sections of the report
D. Content Tier Information: data about the record's content tier
E. Media Navigation Orbs: you can navigate multiple media items from here
F. Processing Errors: record processing error information appears here
G. Step Indicator: indicates that "Record Report" is the current step
