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Usability test with Rhonda on 20 June 2023

Recording can be accessed here.

Usability test to inform iteration 2.


  1. Show us how you conduct one of your regular newspaper searches

    1. Question: What do you think the Fulltext toggle does/means?

  2. Try the advanced search Fulltext option in the new advanced search preview

Outcomes & insights

NOTE - due to technical difficulties, the user was unable to screen share. Julie “drove” instead with instructions from the user.

  1. Show us how you conduct one of your regular newspaper searches

    1. What do you think the Fulltext toggle does/means?

      1. Her answer: “That you’re drilling down into your current results”

      2. In other words, she doesn’t understand what “Fulltext” refers to until it’s explained to her. She was using it before because we automatically turn it on for Newspapers theme.

    2. She uses the THEME (Newspapers), PROVIDING COUNTRY (Germany), LANGUAGE (German), and INSTITUTION (Hamburg State Library) filters most.

    3. She uses the date range filter often as a workaround for not having the option to sort chronologically. E.g. she would put in a span of three years only, review the results form that, and then put in a new date range of the next few years, and so on.

    4. She misses being able to sort chronologically.

    5. She wants to be able to search for terms that are “near to” other terms - e.g. in the same page or article in the newspaper.

  2. Try the advanced search Fulltext option in the new advanced search preview (due to Julie “driving” we couldn’t test whether or not the Fulltext option is findable in the FIELD dropdown)

    1. We built the following query together: Title contains “borsen-halle” (name of newspaper); Fulltext contains “Ahlmann” (captain name); Fulltext contains “nicoline” (ship name)

    2. Again, there is some tension between what goes into the main search bar vs. what would go into a “Fulltext” search query.


Usability test with Larissa on 27 June 2023


  1. Show me your regular searches, describe your experience and feedback that you wanted to give today

  2. Find the advanced search feature

  3. Use it to conduct one of your regular searches

  4. Get feedback on the aggregated fields options in the Fulltext PR

  5. Do you ever search within newspapers, or would you like to search within video subtitles?

    1. If so, look at the Fulltext PR


  • Found it easily (she has used it once or twice)

  • “Has met”? I don’t know what that means. Also, “Place time” and “temporal”.

  • Definitions also needed for “is made of”, and also “rights” - how is this different than rights statement filter?

  • “Modifierare” (MODIFIER dropdown label) doesn’t mean anything in Swedish; suggests not having a title for this dropdown, just have “contains” or something.

  • Searching in Swedish “hund” brings back way too many results - like “HUNdred” (selecting different fields, such as description or title, improves this though…)

  • Would still like to see an exclusion filter for Aggregator, Institution and Theme - because these aren’t in the advanced search, it’s not easy to figure out how to exclude within them


Fulltext PR (link) - in English

  • Fulltext explanation (info tooltip in dropdown) makes sense

  • She likes the styling of this dropdown more too: “this dropdown looks better” and

  • Modifier dropdown: She like sthat it now has the the filled text “select a modifier”

  • “Does not contain” should be added into tooltip for search term

  • Agg fields - “I don’t get this these options” and when you put it in your query - “Where contains hund” - She likes the other options I put in the Jira ticket. Also especially the when = century (that’s a unique timescale compared to the other fields, she thinks)

  • Re: replacing the term “fulltext” with something that more closely describes newspaper contents, video subtitles, and transcribed items: We could conditionally show an alert that matches newspapers, videos, and transcribed items

  • She also pointed out the possible use case for using fulltext without newspapers or videos (general)
