Harmonise a specific approach for risk management for your organisation.
After completing phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, and , develop an overarching policy related to the strategic objectives of your organisation. Read about it ⬇️
Develop an overarching policy related to the strategic objectives of your organisation
⛳ Workflow
Agree on approaches to copyright and re-use across your organisation and ensure the whole organisation is aware and follows a consistent approach and policy.
Who to involve
Who in the organisation is responsible for part of the process of collecting and documenting copyright status information? Many organisations may not have all the roles discussed in these guidelines, or responsibility for these functions may lie with a small number of people. Where possible, involve those in your organisation who are responsible for these functions, or their closest equivalent. This includes senior management, licensing specialists, business managers, compliance specialists, and digital specialists.
🗣️ Who to inform
Everyone else in the organisation must be informed of where to find copyright information from the internal documentation.
📑 What to document
The top-level policy that you develop.
🖋️ How to document
External policy documents published online.
📲 How to start the discussion
Rely on guidance and case studies from other organisations, evidence of good practices, and your own network.