In addition to the fields defined in EDM, a handful of other administrative fields were defined for administrative reasons which can also be used to search.
The ML (ie. multilingual) column of the table below marks the fields that have multilingual variations. To learn more aabout the type of information that these fields should hold, please refer to the EDM Definition.
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title | List of Search Fields defined in EDM |
Search Field | Search Datatype | Result Field | ML |
ore:Proxy |
proxy_dc_contributor | Text | dcContributor | ✓ | CONTRIBUTOR | String | dcContributor | | proxy_dc_coverage | String | | ✓ | proxy_dc_creator | Text | dcCreator dcCreatorLangAware | ✓ | proxy_dc_date | String | | ✓ | proxy_dc_description | Text | dcDescription dcDescriptionLangAware | ✓ | proxy_dc_format | Text | | ✓ | proxy_dc_identifier | String | | ✓ | LANGUAGE | String | dcLanguage | ✓ | proxy_dc_publisher | Text | | ✓ | proxy_dc_rights | String | | ✓ | proxy_dc_source | String | | ✓ | proxy_dc_subject | Text | | ✓ | proxy_dc_title | Text | dcTitleLangAware | ✓ | proxy_dc_type | String | | ✓ | proxy_dc_type_search | Text | | ✓ | proxy_dcterms_alternative | String | | ✓ | proxy_dcterms_created | String | | ✓ | proxy_dcterms_hasPart | String | dctermsHasPart | ✓ | proxy_dcterms_isPartOf | String | dctermsIsPartOf | ✓ | proxy_dcterms_issued | String | | ✓ | proxy_dcterms_medium | Text | | ✓ | proxy_dcterms_provenance | String | | ✓ | proxy_dcterms_spatial | String | dctermsSpatial | ✓ | proxy_dcterms_temporal | String | | ✓ | proxy_edm_currentLocation | String | | ✓ | proxy_edm_hasMet | String | | ✓ | proxy_edm_isRelatedTo | String | | ✓ | TYPE | String | type | | YEAR | String | year | ✓ | ore:Aggregation |
DATA_PROVIDER | String | edmDataProvider | ✓ | provider_aggregation_edm_hasView | String | | | provider_aggregation_edm_intermediateProvider | String | | ✓ | provider_aggregation_edm_isShownAt | String | edmIsShownAt | | provider_aggregation_edm_isShownBy | String | edmIsShownBy | | provider_aggregation_edm_object | String | edmObject | | PROVIDER | String | provider | ✓ | provider_aggregation_dc_rights | String | | ✓ | RIGHTS | String | rights | ✓ | UGC | Boolean | ugc | | edm_previewNoDistribute | Boolean | previewNoDistribute | | edm:EuropeanaAggregation |
europeana_collectionName1 | String | europeanaCollectionName | | edm_datasetName | String | edmDatasetName | | COUNTRY | String | country | ✓ | europeana_aggregation_edm_language | String | language | ✓ | edm:WebResource |
edm_webResource | String | | | wr_dc_rights | String | | ✓ | wr_dcterms_isReferencedBy | String | | ✓ | wr_edm_isNextInSequence | String | | | wr_edm_rights | String | | ✓ | wr_svcs_hasservice | String | | ✓ | cc:License |
wr_cc_license | String | | | provider_aggregation_cc_license | String | | | provider_aggregation_odrl_inherited_from | String | | | wr_cc_odrl_inherited_from | String | | | wr_cc_deprecated_on | Date | | | provider_aggregation_cc_deprecated_on | Date | | | svcs:Service |
svcs_service | String | | | sv_dcterms_conformsTo | String | | | edm:Agent |
edm_agent | String | edmAgent | | ag_skos_prefLabel | Text | edmAgentLabel | ✓ | ag_skos_altLabel | Text | | ✓ | ag_foaf_name | String | | ✓ | ag_rdagr2_dateOfBirth | String | | ✓ | ag_rdagr2_dateOfDeath | String | | ✓ | ag_rdagr2_placeOfBirth | Text | | ✓ | ag_rdagr2_placeOfDeath | Text | | ✓ | ag_rdagr2_professionOrOccupation | String | | ✓ | skos:Concept |
skos_concept | String | edmConceptTerm | | cc_skos_prefLabel | String | edmConceptPrefLabel | ✓ | cc_skos_altLabel | String | | ✓ | edm:Place |
edm_place | String | edmPlace | | pl_wgs84_pos_lat | String | edmPlaceLatitude | | pl_wgs84_pos_long | String | edmPlaceLongitude | | pl_wgs84_pos_alt | String | | | pl_skos_prefLabel | Text | edmPlaceLabel | ✓ | pl_skos_altLabel | Text | edmPlaceAltLabel | ✓ | edm:TimeSpan |
edm_timespan | String | edmTimespan | | ts_skos_prefLabel | String | edmTimespanLabel | ✓ | ts_skos_altLabel | String | | ✓ |
Notes: 1 This field has been deprecated with edmDatasetName. This change followed the change in EDM to rename to edm:collectionName to edm:datasetName. We will keep support for edmCollectionName for a grace period, but on January 2018, we will return only edmDatasetName so please update your API client. |
Europeana aggregates its data from cultural institutions that can use diverse, fine-grained systems and methodologies. As a result, a link between for example an object and a person may be stored in different specialized fields. To provide simpler views on this data, Europeana has introduced several general Aggregated Fields, such as: title, who, what, when, and where. In these fields, we gather together information from different record fields in order to make the discovery of objects easier. Title, for example, aggregates data from the dc:title and dcterms:alternative fields which are part of Dublin Core, a popular general standard for describing different types of resources.
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title | List of Aggregated Fields |
Field Name | Search Datatype | Fields being Aggregated |
title | Text | proxy_dc_title, proxy_dcterms_alternative | subject | Text | proxy_dc_coverage, proxy_dc_subject, proxy_dcterms_spatial, proxy_dcterms_temporal | what | Text | proxy_dc_format, proxy_dc_type, proxy_dc_subject, proxy_dcterms_medium, cc_skos_prefLabel, cc_skos_altLabel | when | Text | proxy_dcterms_created, proxy_dcterms_temporal, proxy_dc_date, ts_skos_prefLabel, ts_skos_altLabel, proxy_edm_year, proxy_dcterms_issued | where | Text | proxy_dcterms_spatial, pl_skos_prefLabel, pl_skos_altLabel | who | Text | proxy_dc_contributor, proxy_dc_creator, ag_skos_prefLabel, ag_skos_altLabel, ag_foaf_name | text | Text | provider_aggregation_edm_dataProvider, provider_aggregation_edm_intermediateProvider, provider_aggregation_edm_provider, proxy_dc_contributor, proxy_dc_coverage, proxy_dc_creator, proxy_dc_date, proxy_dc_description, proxy_dc_format, proxy_dc_language, proxy_dc_publisher, proxy_dc_source, proxy_dc_subject, proxy_dc_title, proxy_dc_type, proxy_dcterms_alternative, proxy_dcterms_created, proxy_dcterms_issued, proxy_dcterms_medium, proxy_dcterms_provenance, proxy_dcterms_spatial, proxy_dcterms_temporal, proxy_edm_currentLocation, proxy_edm_type, ag_skos_altLabel, ag_skos_prefLabel, ag_foaf_name, ts_skos_altLabel, ts_skos_prefLabel, pl_skos_altLabel, pl_skos_prefLabel, cc_skos_altLabel, cc_skos_prefLabel, proxy_dc_type_search |
Media Search
The Search API allows not only to search on and retrieve metadata, but also offers powerful features based on technical metadata. Technical metadata is metadata which is extracted from media files such as images and videos which are associated to records, such as the width and height of an image. These features give you the possibility to search for and filter on Europeana records by media information, for instance to only search for records which have extra large images, high-quality audio files, or which images match a particular colour. Besides searching and filtering, faceting is also possible using technical metadata and, in fact, is part of the default facets provided by the facet profile. These features were developed as part of the Content Re-use Framework within the Europeana Creative project.