Every call to the Search API is an HTTPS request in using the following base URL signature:
Notice: The APIs are now being served under a unified and dedicated address https://api.europeana.eu
separate from our Portal. We have done so to better manage the traffic to the APIs besides making it more intuitive for you (our users). We will keep serving under the old https://www.europeana.eu/
while we still see traffic going via this route. We kindly advise you to change your clients to use the new API endpoint.
with the following parametersOn top of this base URL, you need two required parameters to make a successful Search API request: a query and an API key. to input these required parameters, use “q=” and “wskey=” attached to that URL, using a question mark “?” to separate the parameters from the base URL and an ampersand “&” to separate parameters from each other
Below you’ll find a table with the other standard parameters you can use in your API Search request:
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title | Search API Request Parameters |
Parameter | Datatype | Description |
query | String | The search term(s). See Query Syntax for information on forming complex queries and examples. | qf | String | Query Refinement. This parameter can be defined more than once. See Query Syntax page for more information. | reusability | String | Filter by copyright status. Possible values are open, restricted or permission. | media | Boolean | Filter by records where an URL to the full media file is present in the edm:isShownBy or edm:hasView metadata and is resolvable. | thumbnail | Boolean | Filter by records where a thumbnail image has been generated for any of the WebResource media resources (thumbnail available in the edmPreview field). | landingpage | Boolean | Filter by records where the link to the original object on the providers website (edm:isShownAt) is present and verified to be working. | colourpalette | String | Filter by images where one of the colours (see colour palette) of an image matches the provided colour code. You can provide this parameter multiple times, the search will then do an 'AND' search on all the provided colours. | theme | String | Restrict the query over one of the Europeana Thematic Collections. The possible values are: archaelogy, art, fashion, industrial, manuscript, map, migration, music, nature, newspaper, photography, sport, ww1. | sort | String | Sorting records in ascending or descending order of search fields. The following fields are supported: score (relenvancy of the search result), timestamp_created, timestamp_update, europeana_id, COMPLETENESS, is_fulltext, has_thumbnails, and has_media. Sorting on more than one field is possible by supplying as comma separated values. It is also possible to randomly order items by using the keyword "random" instead of a field name. You can also request for a fixed random order by indicating a seed "random_SEED" which is useful when paginating along the same randomized order. Use: field_name+sort_order. Examples: sort=timestamp_update+desc sort=random+asc sort=random_12345+asc | profile | String | A profile parameter which controls the format and richness of the response. | rows | Number | The number of records to return. Maximum is 100. Defaults to 12. See pagination. | start | Number | The item in the search results to start with when using cursor-based pagination. First item is 1. Defaults to 1. | cursor | String | A cursor mark from where to start the search result set when using deep pagination. Set to * to start cursor-based pagination. | callback | String | Name of a client side callback function, see JSONP. |
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title | Table comparing the differences in field names between API V1 and API V2 |
API1 field | API2 field |
europeana_uri | europeana_id | europeana_collectionName | europeana_collectionName | europeana_type | proxy_edm_type | europeana_object | provider_aggregation_edm_object | europeana_isShownAt | provider_aggregation_edm_isShownAt | europeana_isShownBy | provider_aggregation_edm_isShownBy | europeana_provider | provider_aggregation_edm_provider | europeana_dataProvider | provider_aggregation_edm_dataProvider | europeana_rights | provider_aggregation_edm_rights | europeana_UGC | edm_UGC | europeana_completeness | europeana_completeness | europeana_previewNoDistribute | europeana_previewNoDistribute | dc_coverage | proxy_dc_coverage | dc_contributor | proxy_dc_contributor | dc_description | proxy_dc_description | dc_creator | proxy_dc_creator | dc_date | proxy_dc_date | dc_format | proxy_dc_format | dc_identifier | proxy_dc_identifier | dc_language | proxy_dc_language | dc_publisher | proxy_dc_publisher | dc_relation | | dc_rights | proxy_dc_rights | dc_source | proxy_dc_source | dc_subject | proxy_dc_subject | dc_title | proxy_dc_title | dc_type | proxy_dc_type | dcterms_alternative | proxy_dcterms_alternative | dcterms_created | proxy_dcterms_created | dcterms_conformsTo | proxy_dcterms_conformsTo | dcterms_extent | proxy_dcterms_extent | dcterms_hasFormat | proxy_dcterms_hasFormat | dcterms_hasVersion | proxy_dcterms_hasVersion | dcterms_isFormatOf | proxy_dcterms_isFormatOf | dcterms_isPartOf | proxy_dcterms_isPartOf | dcterms_isReferencedBy | proxy_dcterms_isReferencedBy | dcterms_isReplacedBy | proxy_dcterms_isReplacedBy | dcterms_isRequiredBy | proxy_dcterms_isRequiredBy | dcterms_issued | proxy_dcterms_issued | dcterms_isVersionOf | proxy_dcterms_isVersionOf | dcterms_medium | proxy_dcterms_medium | dcterms_provenance | proxy_dcterms_provenance | dcterms_references | proxy_dcterms_references | dcterms_replaces | proxy_dcterms_replaces | dcterms_requires | proxy_dcterms_requires | dcterms_spatial | proxy_dcterms_spatial | dcterms_tableOfContents | proxy_dcterms_tableOfContents | dcterms_temporal | proxy_dcterms_temporal | skos_prefLabel | cc_skos_prefLabel | skos_altLabel | cc_skos_altLabel | skos_broader | cc_skos_broader | period_begin | ts_edm_begin | period_end | ts_edm_end | wgs_lat | pl_wgs84_pos_lat | wgs_lon | pl_wgs84_pos_long | enrichment_place_term | edm_place | enrichment_place_label | pl_skos_prefLabel | enrichment_place_latitude | pl_wgs84_pos_lat | enrichment_place_longitude | pl_wgs84_pos_long | enrichment_period_term | edm_timespan | enrichment_period_label | ts_skos_prefLabel | enrichment_period_begin | ts_edm_begin | enrichment_period_end | ts_edm_end | enrichment_concept_term | skos_concept | enrichment_concept_label | cc_skos_prefLabel | enrichment_agent_term | edm_agent | enrichment_agent_label | ag_skos_prefLabel | enrichment_place_broader_term | pl_dcterms_isPartOf | enrichment_place_broader_label | pl_dcterms_isPartOf_label | enrichment_period_broader_term | ts_dcterms_isPartOf | enrichment_period_broader_label | ts_dcterms_isPartOf_label | enrichment_concept_broader_term | cc_skos_broader | enrichment_concept_broader_label | cc_skos_broaderLabel | europeana_year | proxy_edm_year | europeana_language | europeana_aggregation_edm_language | europeana_country | europeana_aggregation_edm_country | dcterms_hasPart | proxy_dcterms_hasPart |
Swagger Console
The Console can be used to try out API calls for the Record and Search APIs. To perform a Search API query, select the ‘/record/v2/search.json’ method under the ‘Search’ header in the console. Once you’ve opened this API call method, don’t forget to click the ‘Try it Out’ button in the top right of the method to be able to edit the query parameters and execute an API call.
Swc macro |
displayOperationId | true |
showCommonExtensions | true |
displayRequestDuration | true |
url | https://api.europeana.eu/api/api-docs |