Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


  • Wants to see the data space explore/represent the idea of ‘decentralisation’ more

  • Suggests presenting the Aggregators differently - such as showing their own websites, as they are also part of the data space.

    • They have lots of data on their own website which is not forwarded to Europeana

    • Also the tools and things they’ve developed, which contribute to the data ending up on

    • Carousel presentation at the higher level of the other portals, for example; the Aggregators' portals at the same level as the Europeana website and APIs

  • More tailor-made connections to our data - what specific data do the other data spaces each need?

    • (We need to do market research for this)

  • Mentioning the 'Data Space Blueprint' on the page? Comes from the Data Space Support Centre

    • e.g. ‘SIMPLE Framework’, Change Standards (IPMH), etc.

    • Henning will lead investigations on this starting in March

  • Vermeer header image: Would like to see a greater diversity of cultural heritage material represented

    • E.g. documentary material, sound, 3D

    • (What kinds of documentary material would other data spaces be interested in?)


  • Logo is clear, easy to use

  • Interested in brand guidelines that will be sent out with the brand (colour rules (black and white only), sizing, etc.)

  • The black/white/yellow looks very similar to inDICEs


  • Aesthetically, the page looks/feels quite dark; less bright/energetic than

  • Header image: feels too traditional; they want to see more ‘liveliness’, ‘modern’, ‘contemporary’, ‘kaleidoscope of images’.

  • Aggregator section could be more prominent; for example, showing all of them at once.

    • Q: Why would this be useful to the ‘external’ audience for this page?

      • A: Domain/thematic and national/regional aggregators would illustrate/reaffirm the breadth and content of our collections to an audience.

    • Showing the Aggregators more prominently makes sense from the perspective of the 3 pillars of the data space: (which we put first), ENA (which we mention), and the EAF - some kind of heading about the Aggregators about the EAF may contextualise them a bit better.

    • Many Aggregators do have data on their own portals which is not available through Europeana, but can be considered part of the data space

  • They would like to see more emphasis on the ‘digital’ heritage, and what this encompasses; e.g. audiovisual, etc.


  • Vermeer as a header image doesn’t tell the story of data/nodes/innovation that she associates with the data space.

  • Values section: see other examples for wording (e.g. National Library of Scotland - ‘they use the values as a way to present the content on the page’; see also, GLAM Labs.)

  • Showcasing the data: the European open science cloud uses a list-style UI layout to showcase [links to] the data itself (see screenshot below)

  • Aesthetically, feels a bit dark, which feels less aspirational, less dynamic


Valentina and Antonella (PHOTOCONSORTIUM), Nov 30


  • Wants to see something more visual, illustrative, in the logo. Right now it’s too plain for him.

  • Mentioned this book about Godel, Escher and Bach as inspiration, the way it uses a cube’s faces to project letters:


  • Echoed the point that the Aggregators could be better presented at the EAF level; EAF mentioned, at least.

Gerda Koch (AIT), Dec 7

  • Consortium partner: AIT Angewandte Informationstechnik Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

  • Aggregator(s): OpenUp! and Europeana Local Austria

  • Recording can be found here.


  • Prefers the version with ‘4' over 'for’


  • Don’t overuse black - more in favour of lighter, more lively

    • Try to make it feel colourful, optimistic; inspire/animate people

  • Would like to see a menu/top nav with jump-to links to page sections ('Data offer', ‘Implementers/Aboutus/Consortium’, ‘Contributors/aggs/partners’)

  • Would like to see in the future: infrastructure section (technical supporters)

  • Showing the Aggregators/aggregation structure is useful for external audiences because it provides social proof of our data quality; builds trust

  • She thinks an external audience might ask:

    • Where is the data? What kind of data, e.g. images vs. metadata

    • Where are the tools, and can I download/use them? e.g. APIs

    • Who has contributed? They may like to approach Aggs/partners directly

  • Data space audiences, to her, include (based on this paper, I think):

    • Business (e.g. Tripadvisor); citizens (e.g. tourists, students); science (universities); government and public bodies (evaluating and creating policy).

  • Internal audiences want to know:

    • Technical tools, e.g. IIIF; about data standards; about data governance/rights statements; and about IT capacity, e.g. storage/servers for smaller CHI’s)

  • Showcase the diversity of the collections

    • Natural heritage!

  • External audiences interested in natural heritage could include: Medicine, Agriculture, Education & Skills, Tourism, Climate, Energy

ENA - Tom (also British Library), 18 Dec

  • Recording can be accessed here.


  • Likes the flexibility of the various logo formats, and how the ‘for’ breaks up the DS and CH in the acronym.


  • Supports the jump-to links idea

    • Helps people landmark within the page

  • Likes that “people are seeing us at the higher/European-level” as one data space

  • Thinks that it does make sense to have people from external audiences sign up to join the ENA

  • Might be a good idea to ask Sophie and Rob for feedback

ENA - Milena, 18 Dec

  • Recording can be accessed here.


  • Brand values: would like to see words that represent “people” more

    • Also, highlighting our “use of intelligent tools”

  • Prefers “for” over “4”


  • Also thinks the milkmaid tells only one story about the data; especially internal stakeholders may not connect/identify with it

  • Thinks “Discover the Data heading should be further to the right

    • Also confused about whether it’s clickable (probably because there’s no CTA button above the fold)

  • Thinks that a “Share Your Data” CTA should be somewhere on the page, in case CHI’s not working with us land here

  • Thinks we should show Europeana as a three-legged structure

  • Benefits section: Could use FAIR principles instead (would be recognisable to external data people)

  • Could add Open Science Cloud, relevant to researchers

    • I mentioned we’d have a page for researchers and could add it there, and she agreed

  • Crowdsourcing cultural heritage” written copy should have the word “contextualising” in it

  • ENA section: CTA to join; mention different communities they can join

  • Aggs section: rename “Data providers”? Less jargon-y and more consistent with what we call them elsewhere

  • Differentiating between data owners/data consumers/data users could be useful

    • E.g. tourism would see that we have overlap in our data users

ENA - Marianna, 19 Dec

  • Recording can be accessed here.