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titleDedicated page for Naturalis Biodiversity Center:

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Even if you choose not to browse by contributing organisations, you will still learn about them from the individual record pages. We enhance the provided data with Europeana entities for organisations, allowing you to learn about providers when viewing individual records. By clicking on the entity, you can access each organisation's dedicated page with detailed information, including its location, website, and other records provided by that organisation.

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titleRecord page for an object a preserved specimen provided by Naturalis Biodiversity Center, including the entity for this organisation

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Table of contents:


titleScreenshot of the Naturalis Biodiversity Center record in Zoho CRM:

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If you wish to retrieve a specific organisation entity, please refer to the Entity API documentation.


titleExcerpt from the record enriched with organisation entity:
Code Block
<ore:Aggregation rdf:about="/aggregation/provider/Example_01#Aggregation">
        <edm:aggregatedCHO rdf:resource="#Example_01"/>
        <edm:dataProvider rdf:resource=""/>
        [ other Provider’s Aggregation data ]
<foaf:Organization rdf:about="">
        <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="en">Naturalis Biodiversity Center</skos:prefLabel>
        [ other properties of Organization entity]

Note that the prefLabel from the contextual class is displayed on the record page . When users click on it, they are taken to the page dedicated to that clickable entity.

Providing information about organisations in EDM


titleTool that helps you retrieve existing organisations and their identifiers

To search for existing organisations that have already provided data to Europeana, you can use this tool. Simply focus your search on organisations by ticking the "Organisation" option and add keywords in the search bar:

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When you click on one of the results, you will be taken to the entity page for this specific organisation on Europeana website:

The last segment of the URL after "/organisation/" is the Europeana identifier for this specific organisation. In this case, the identifier is 4513.
