Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


  • Supporting slide deck can be found here.

  • 6 sessions have been held with 6 consortium members (10 people).

Kerstin Arnold (Archives Portal Europe), 28 Nov

  • Consortium partner: Archives Portal Europe Foundation

  • Recording can be found here.


  • Wants to see the data space explore/represent the idea of ‘decentralisation’ more

  • Suggests presenting the Aggregators differently - such as showing their own websites, as they are also part of the data space.

    • They have lots of data on their own website which is not forwarded to Europeana

    • Also the tools and things they’ve developed, which contribute to the data ending up on

    • Carousel presentation at the higher level of the other portals, for example; the Aggregators' portals at the same level as the Europeana website and APIs

  • More tailor-made connections to our data - what specific data do the other data spaces each need?

    • (We need to do market research for this)

  • Mentioning the 'Data Space Blueprint' on the page? Comes from the Data Space Support Centre

    • e.g. ‘SIMPLE Framework’, Change Standards (IPMH), etc.

    • Henning will lead investigations on this starting in March

  • Vermeer header image: Would like to see a greater diversity of cultural heritage material represented

    • E.g. documentary material, sound, 3D

    • (What kinds of documentary material would other data spaces be interested in?)

Corinne Szteinsznaider (Michael Culture), Nov 30

  • Consortium partner: Michael Culture

  • Aggregator: MUSEO

  • 3 of her colleagues also joined, including Maria Teresa

  • Recording can be found here.


  • Logo is clear, easy to use

  • Interested in brand guidelines that will be sent out with the brand (colour rules (black and white only), sizing, etc.)

  • The black/white/yellow looks very similar to inDICEs


  • Aesthetically, the page looks/feels quite dark; less bright/energetic than

  • Header image: feels too traditional; they want to see more ‘liveliness’, ‘modern’, ‘contemporary’, ‘kaleidoscope of images’.

  • Aggregator section could be more prominent; for example, showing all of them at once.

    • Q: Why would this be useful to the ‘external’ audience for this page?

      • A: Domain/thematic and national/regional aggregators would illustrate/reaffirm the breadth and content of our collections to an audience.

    • Showing the Aggregators more prominently makes sense from the perspective of the 3 pillars of the data space: (which we put first), ENA (which we mention), and the EAF - some kind of heading about the Aggregators about the EAF may contextualise them a bit better.

    • Many Aggregators do have data on their own portals which is not available through Europeana, but can be considered part of the data space

  • They would like to see more emphasis on the ‘digital’ heritage, and what this encompasses; e.g. audiovisual, etc.

Sally Chambers (DARIAH), Nov 30

  • Consortium partner: DARIAH

  • ‘Collections as data’ approach

  • Recording can be found here.


  • Vermeer as a header image doesn’t tell the story of data/nodes/innovation that she associates with the data space.

  • Values section: see other examples for wording (e.g. National Library of Scotland - ‘they use the values as a way to present the content on the page’; see also, GLAM Labs.)

  • Showcasing the data: the European open science cloud uses a list-style UI layout to showcase [links to] the data itself (see screenshot below)

  • Aesthetically, feels a bit dark, which feels less aspirational, less dynamic


Valentina and Antonella (PHOTOCONSORTIUM), Nov 30

  • Consortium partner: PHOTOCONSORTIUM

  • Recording can be found here.


  • Projects section: would like to see a one-sentence blurb on each project, with info relevant to the data space.

    • E.g. 'EUreka3D: Developing an infrastructure to host data, stored on SketchFab' might help contextualise the project for a user from Media, for example.

  • Would like to know more about how interested the audiences of this page would be interested in Projects. Understands we need to do market research to find this out.

Marco Rendina (EFHA), Dec 1

  • Consortium partner: European Fashion Heritage Association

  • Recording can be found here.


  • Wants to see something more visual, illustrative, in the logo. Right now it’s too plain for him.

  • Mentioned this book about Godel, Escher and Bach as inspiration, the way it uses a cube’s faces to project letters:


  • Echoed the point that the Aggregators could be better presented at the EAF level; EAF mentioned, at least.

Gerda Koch (AIT), Dec 7

  • Consortium partner: AIT Angewandte Informationstechnik Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

  • Aggregator(s): OpenUp! and Europeana Local Austria

  • Recording can be found here.


  • Prefers the version with ‘4' over 'for’


  • Don’t overuse black - more in favour of lighter, more lively

    • Try to make it feel colourful, optimistic; inspire/animate people

  • Would like to see a menu/top nav with jump-to links to page sections ('Data offer', ‘Implementers/Aboutus/Consortium’, ‘Contributors/aggs/partners’)

  • Would like to see in the future: infrastructure section (technical supporters)

  • Showing the Aggregators/aggregation structure is useful for external audiences because it provides social proof of our data quality; builds trust

  • She thinks an external audience might ask:

    • Where is the data? What kind of data, e.g. images vs. metadata

    • Where are the tools, and can I download/use them? e.g. APIs

    • Who has contributed? They may like to approach Aggs/partners directly

  • Data space audiences, to her, include (based on this paper, I think):

    • Business (e.g. Tripadvisor); citizens (e.g. tourists, students); science (universities); government and public bodies (evaluating and creating policy).

  • Internal audiences want to know:

    • Technical tools, e.g. IIIF; about data standards; about data governance/rights statements; and about IT capacity, e.g. storage/servers for smaller CHI’s)

  • Showcase the diversity of the collections

    • Natural heritage!

  • External audiences interested in natural heritage could include: Medicine, Agriculture, Education & Skills, Tourism, Climate, Energy

ENA - Tom (also British Library), 18 Dec

  • Recording can be accessed here.


  • Supports the jump-to links idea

    • Helps people landmark within the page

  • Likes that “people are seeing us at the higher/European-level” as one data space

  • Thinks that it does make sense to have people from external audiences sign up to join the ENA

  • Might be a good idea to ask Sophie and Rob for feedback

ENA - Milena, 18 Dec

  • Recording can be accessed here.


  • Also thinks the milkmaid tells only one story about the data; especially internal stakeholders may not connect/identify with it

  • Thinks “Discover the Data heading should be further to the right

    • Also confused about whether it’s clickable (probably because there’s no CTA button above the fold)

  • Thinks that a “Share Your Data” CTA should be somewhere on the page, in case CHI’s not working with us land here

  • Thinks we should show Europeana as a three-legged structure

    • Show the ENA as a community of [1500+] experts in the “Europeana in numbers” section?

  • Benefits section: Could use FAIR principles instead (would be recognisable to external data people)

  • Could add Open Science Cloud, relevant to researchers

    • I mentioned we’d have a page for researchers and could add it there, and she agreed

  • Crowdsourcing cultural heritage” written copy should have the word “contextualising” in it

  • ENA section: CTA to join; mention different communities they can join

  • Aggs section: rename “Data providers”? Less jargon-y and more consistent with what we call them elsewhere

  • Differentiating between data owners/data consumers/data users could be useful

    • E.g. tourism would see that we have overlap in our data users

ENA - Marianna, 19 Dec

  • Recording can be accessed hereNo recording (Zoom did not work for the participant so we moved to Google Meet).


  • Suggested we check and make sure that when people read out the acronym it doesn’t sound weird in any languages.


  • Would like to see less common paintings/pictures rotated in with the Milkmaid

  • The page gives the impression of a lot of numbers and text

    • “I was imagining something more attention-grabbing, eye-catching, different” - moving, dynamic

  • Projects section: Switch the perspective to be less passive, “this is what we’re doing”, and more interesting to the audience - “here’s what YOU can do with our data/tools

    • Currently, the way it’s written risks that they’ll read it but not connect it to themselves in any way

    • “In the form of inputs rather than passive descriptions”

  • Aggregators section: Describe aggregators from the perspective that they provide content/data

    • In general, strategies towards digital transformation mention that you need to explain what you do in simpler terms, so it’s accessible to your newly wider audience

  • ENA section: Agrees that she wants people to join; messaging could be clearer that it’s open to them (the external audience) too

    • Picture could be more smiley and exciting - Join us!! should feel inviting/fun

    • Consider mentioning the communities

    • “You will find your common interest communities you can join”

    • “We connect cultural professionals everywhere, from the EU and elsewhere”

    • People focused

  • Stay in touch section: be more inspiring/visual here, maybe an image/animation?

    • Replace “stay in touch” and “sign up to receive updates” with a more inspiring CTA

    • “Welcome to the future”

    • “Get on board” + an animation