Nuno Freire, Adina Ciocoiu
skos:notation information added on edm:TimeSpan class
Henning Scholz, Adina Ciocoiu
Note on the strongly recommended IsShownAt property
V2.5 - Adina Ciocoiu, Antoine Isaac, Nuno Freire
Added missing hyphen to date related information YYYY-MMDD into YYY-MM-DD in dc:date, dcterms:temporal, dcterms:created, dcterms:issues properties of edm:providedCHO, edm:Webresource, edm:Agent, edm:Timespan classes.
Amended dc:type in edm:providedCHOProvidedCHO
Table listing for edm:WebResource
Closing tag for edm:ugc
Properties in the record alligned
Explanations Explanation on the order of edm: EDM classes and properties
Added missing rda2Gr namespace
Overall update of links where they were outdated
Corrected reference on cc:DeprecatedOndeprecatedOn
Clarification on display of edm:rights
Merged example record explanations with the respective xml XML snippets
Moved Annex 3 Mapping for RDA Group 2 properties to edm:Agent class, and note amended
Removed the "anomaly" concerning the use of some Dublin Core properties with literals while they allow only non-literal values. Since then, DCMI has changed the specification of these properties, turning the formal "range" specifications into less formal "range includes" recommendations.
V2.4 - Kirsten de Hoog, Valentine Charles