The class foaf:Organisation refers to…..…..
The mandatory property (rdf:about) is marked in dark blue.
The recommended properties (skos:PrefLabel, owl:isSameAs) are marked in dark red.
The optional properties are left in black.
Please provide the properties in the record in the same order given in this document, the metadata validation performed by Europeana requires this order.
Note to self: update and crossrefernce these pages?
Question: Do I need to Link somewhere to this doc? Management of organisations in Zoho CRM (for internal use)
Properties for foaf:Organisation
Property | Description | Value | Cardinality |
rdf:about | Identifier{id} | ref | 1..1 |
rdf:type | ref | 1..1 | |
foaf:depiction | Depiction | ref | 0..1 |
skos:prefLabel | Name of organisation in English & corresponding language tag (ideally English) If the native name is not English, search online for the official English translation. If there is no available English translation (or the organisation opts not to use an English name), use this field to document the organisation's name in its native language An English name or translation is strongly recommended in all cases and mandatory if the native name is not in one of the Europeana-supported languages. This is because labels in unsupported languages (e.g. Serbian, Icelandic, Latin) are filtered out and will not be included in the entity | literal | 1..* |
edm:acronym | Acronym of organisation in English or native language & corresponding language tag | literal | 0..* |
skos:altLabel | The official name of the organisation if an English translation is provided in the "Institution Name" field. Includes the corresponding language tag, not in English. | literal | 0..* |
skos:hiddenLabel | Unofficial names of organisations from the source data that will not be displayed but will be used for matching | literal | 0..* |
dc:description | Description | literal | 0..* |
foaf:logo | Logo | ref | 0..1 |
edm:europeanaRole | Role in Europeana | Role (concept entity) (Q : do we need to explain this more/better?) | 1..* |
edm:country | The country where the institution is physically located. | Country (edm:Place) (Q : do we need to explain this more/better?) | 1..1 |
edm:language | Language of the organisation’s native name, use Language ISO code | literal | 1..* |
foaf:homepage | Official website of organisation (should always start with protocol http or https) | ref | 0..1 |
foaf:phone | Phone number of the organisation (Q:should it include country code in it?) | literal (Phone number) | 0..* |
foaf:mbox | A valid email address of the organisation (ie: management/team, etc? | literal (Email address) | 0..* |
vcard:hasAddress | Physical address of the organisation | ref (vcard:Address) | 0..1 |
edm:aggregatesFrom | The name of the instution where the aggregator gets the data (ie: The official name of a Cultural Institution) | ref | 0..* |
edm:aggregatedVia | The name of the aggregator (Q:is this term data space proof?) that provides data to…. | ref | 0..* |
owl:sameAs | Another URI of the same organisation (e.g. wikidata URI: “{entityID}”) [URI can be an entity from LD vocabulary or a persistent identifier for organisation. If recorded URI is an entity from a vocabulary Europeana is dereferencing, it must follow the pattern that is dereferenceable by Europeana] | ref | 0..* |
Properties for vCard:Address
Property | Description | Value | Cardinality |
rdf:about | URI of the address #address | ref | 1..1 |
rdf:type | ref | 1..1 | |
vcard:street-address | Street part of the address | literal | 0..1 |
vcard:postal-code | Postal code | literal | 0..1 |
vcard:post-office-box | Post Office Box | literal | 0..1 |
vcard:locality | Locality | literal | 0..1 |
vcard:country-name | Country | literal | 1..1 |
vcard:hasGeo | Geocoordinate Geo URI made out of the latitude and longitude | ref | 0..1 |