EuropeanaTech task force ideas

  • EDM aspects:
    • data attribution, provenance and licensing
    • expressing authority/trust for links and identifiers (Maybe wiser to do a TF on data attribution first)
    • approximate geo coordinates, or places that cover an area (can be part of a TF on validating EDM template for Places)
    • data versioning
    • interoperability with and EU ISA vocabularies

    • experiments: best practices/case studies for mapping to EDM
    • documentation: richer publishing of EDM (e.g. HTML documents for Linked Data redirection)
    • infrastructure for EDM data (semantic repositories and others)
  • Data Quality-related:
    • strategy: selecting relevant data resources for enrichment (items, events, periods, places in history
    • tools for semantic extraction from object metadata (name extraction, topic extraction), object clustering (loose FRBRization), alignment of reference contextual resources (thesauri etc.)
    • survey: keeping track of enrichment of Europeana metadata
  • Techniques for advanced search
    • clustering and/or ranking of (objects) search results
    • recommendation/personalization (cf Karl's experiments)
    • timeline and geo functions (cf Pelagios experiment)
    • content-based search: similarity-based search, full-text search (cf AIT's work in DSI-2 on image similarity and DSI-1 on audio features)
  • User-contributed data
    • includes error fixing (original metadata on enrichment), tagging, adding new fields on a record