The scenario you choose will depend on your digital strategy as a cultural institution (what you want) and the type of data that you can provide to Europeana (what you give). You may also take into consideration the services that Europeana can deliver to you (what we do) and the results of these actions (what you get).

To manage data and deliver it in high quality to our audiences, we’ve developed two sets of tiers of participation in Europeana: one set focuses on digitised content, the other on its metadata. Below you’ll find a summary of these tiers and their benefits. Read on to discover more about the background and reasons behind this approach, and then look at each tier in more detail.


1. The Europeana website as a search engine: ‘I want to search and browse collections online.’ 


2. The Europeana website as a showcase: ‘I want to be guided through collections online.’ 

Benefits as above plus:

3. The Europeana website as a distribution platform for non-commercial reuse: ‘I want to find, view and use collections in my own non-commercial projects.’ 

Benefits as above plus:

4. The Europeana website as a free reuse platform: ‘I want to find, view and use collections in whatever way I choose.’ 

Benefits as above plus:

What you give and what you get for the four tiers of content quality


A. The Europeana website as a basic search platform: ‘I want to find the specific object I’m looking for.’ 


B. The Europeana website as an exploration platform: ‘I want to browse and explore even if I’m not sure what I’m looking for.’ 

Benefits as above plus:

C. The Europeana website as a knowledge platform: ‘I want to search and browse in a more precise way, by named authors, specific subjects or topics.’ 

Benefits as above plus:

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