Content Tier 2 (Europeana as a showcase)

If you want to enable Europeana to use your 3D content as part of thematic collections and make it more accessible on the Europeana website then the content needs to be embeddable in a supported viewer or you need to provide a direct link to the content that can be streamed directly to a webpage (using WebGL, Javascript and the HTML5 canvas).

Content Tier 3 (Europeana as a distribution platform for non-commercial reuse)

If you want to make use of Europeana as a distribution platform that enables the use of your 3D content by private individuals, educators and researchers then, in addition to the criteria described for Tier 2 above, you also need to make sure that the 3D content comes with one of the seven rights statements that allow reuse:

Content Tier 4 (Europeana as a free reuse platform)

If you want to make use of Europeana as a platform that enables the free reuse of your 3D content then, in addition to the criteria described for Tiers 2 and 3 above, you also need to make sure that the 3D content comes with a rights statement that allows free reuse (CC BY, CC BY-SA, CC0 or PDM).

Overview of Content tier 2-4 requirements for 3D files





A 3D resource is available*

Any of the available rights statements


A 3D resource is available*

Associated 3D resource has either open or restricted license

  • 4 creative commons CC-BY-NC, CC BY-ND, CC-BY-NC-ND, CC-BY-NC-SA

  • 3 NC-OKLR, NoC-NC, InC-EDU


A 3D resource is available*

Associated 3D resource has only open license:


*A 3D resource is available - list of URLs validated for embedding: true if one of the edm:WebResource associated via edm:isShownBy or edm:hasView exists AND technical metadata (ie. ebucore:hasMimetype filled) is extracted from that media resource


For example records per edm:type = 3D, see page Example records - content & metadata tiers .

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