Twin it! 3D for Europe’s culture webinar series

Twin it! 3D for Europe’s culture webinar series

In the framework of the Twin it! 3D for Europe’s culture campaign and in partnership with the 4CH Competence Centre for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, the Europeana Foundation and the European Commission hosted a series of webinars on 3D digitisation of cultural heritage. The Twin it! 3D for Europe’s culture webinar series ran from October to November 2023 and were delivered by experts of the 4CH. The series was especially designed to support the EU Member States’ participation in the Twin it! campaign.  The series, composed of five webinars, covered the entire 3D digitisation process (webinar 1, 2, 3 and 5) and introduced a practical example as case study (webinar 4). The webinars addressed the main challenges, operational aspects as well as good practices in 3D digitisation of cultural heritage. 

Webinar 1: The overall 3D digitisation process

The main topics addressed were: Planning the 3D digitisation process; 3D capturing and modelling techniques; Web platforms for 3D models.

Structure, themes and experts:

  • Introduction by Roberto Di Giulio, 4CH | INCEPTION

  • Planning the 3D digitisation – Federica Maietti, 4CH | INCEPTION

  • Choosing the right workflow and outputs of the 3D digitisation – Marco Medici, 4CH | INCEPTION

  • Storing, preserving and accessing 3D models – Kate Fernie, 4CH |CARARE

Watch the full webinar here.  The presentations used in this webinar are available here. 

Webinar 2: Capturing techniques (on field operations)

The main topics addressed were: Laser scanning - fixed station and mobile system; aerial and ground photogrammetry; documenting on field operations.

Structure, themes and experts: 

  • Introduction – Federica Maietti, 4CH | INCEPTION

  • 3D documentation: sensors, techniques & challenges - Fabio Remondino, 5Dculture | FBK – Bruno Kessler Foundation

  • Laser scanning - fixed station and mobile systems - Diego Borsani, 4CH | Hexagon

Watch the full webinar here.  The presentations used in this webinar are available here. 

Webinar 3: 3D modelling techniques

The main topics addressed were: From captured data to a 3D model; processing and optimising the 3D model for the right purpose; 3D formats and standards.

Structure, themes and experts: 

  • From captured data to a 3D model, optimising it for the right purpose – Anthony Corns, 5Dculture | The Discovery Programme

  • 3D file formats and standards – Marco Medici, 4CH | INCEPTION  

Watch the full webinar here.  The presentations used in this webinar are available here.

Webinar 4: A practical example: the 3D model of Villa Aldrovandi Mazzacorati in Bologna

The main topics addressed were: Description of phases and final results of the 3D digitization of Villa Aldrovandi Mazzacorati in Bologna, Italy.

Structure, themes and experts: 

  • Introduction: Roberto Di Giulio, 4CH | INCEPTION

  • The 3D capturing of the complex - Federica Maietti, 4CH | INCEPTION

  • 3D modelling procedures and virtual outputs - Marco Medici, 4CH | INCEPTION

Webinar 5: Storing, managing and visualising the 3D models

The main topics addressed were: Assessing typologies and quality of a 3D-digitised heritage asset; managing metadata and choosing the right data schemas; storing and preserving the 3D models for the future.

Structure, themes and experts: 

  • Introduction: Francesco Taccetti, 4CH | INFN

  • Sharing with Europeana: depositing and publishing 3D datasets for preservation and future access - Kate Fernie, 4CH | CARARE

  • Publishing 3D models online – versions, platforms and viewers – Matevs Strauss, 5Dculture | ARCTUR

  • Closing remarks by Marco Medici, 4CH | INCEPTION