User requirements: 3D viewer
Most Valuable Sketchfab Features
These features are especially relevant for both publishers CH content, as well as end users/audiences.
Commitment to supporting cultural heritage accounts with free subscriptions.
Hosting: asset data + 3D viewer.
Community features: profile page, followers, likes, comments.
Increased ‘discoverability’ for general and creative audiences.
Embeds / easy to use 3D viewer.
Data optimization.
3D Editor.
Shader options.
A “Cultural Heritage & History” category.
“Museum/Educational/Scientist” user categories.
Additional open licenses, public domain dedication.
Data, download, and viewer APIs
Usage stats: views, downloads, likes.
“Utility of 3D” features i.e. view the same model online, in VR, AR, capture screenshots, video, GIFs.
Private models
Other Suggestions
A specific commitment to ongoing support for the work of heritage organisations.
Guarantees regarding long term support for features e.g. annotations.
A ‘data carry out’ feature/service to help organisations retrieve:
3D data.
Metadata (Descriptions, tags, annotations, lighting, comments).
Maintain some kind of community layer so that organisations can keep in contact with their audiences.
In the future, Epic’s platform(s) could support data import and export under the IIIF 3D spec.
Would this potentially make a good proposal for an Epic Megagrant?
Better integration with RealityCapture/RealityScan for 3D scan metadata e.g. for automated processes that make additional metadata available alongside published 3D models.
Epic could migrate public domain heritage data to Fab themselves.
A ‘school/educational friendly’ Fab gateway featuring vetted content.
Web accessibility compliant 3D viewer.
Support for Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)
Trusted data repository accreditation e.g.