It’s important to think about impact. You might be thinking about your impact because you’re trying to be more strategic and impactful in your work; or your donors might want more reporting or accounting.
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Why is it important to think about impact? Move beyond numbers to think about deeper change Stay relevant in a changing world - think from the perspective of your audience and respond to their feedback Inform evidence-led decision-making and iterative improvement cycles Inform strategies and ways ahead Contribute to the bigger narrative about what is the value of (digital) cultural heritage and your work Help make change happen and make a better world Contextualise your work (e.g. nationally, internationally) in comparison with others Influence better policy making by creating more appropriate recommendations and advocacy narratives Attract more funding and to help make your work more financially sustainable (and impactful for your audiences) Identify gaps and capitalise on opportunities to create impact through your work Improve your organisation’s processes and ways of learning and improving
Next steps
Watch our introductory webinar on Europeana Pro
where we explore what impact means for us.
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Read more about why and how institutions are thinking about and measuring their impact Interview with Helen Hardy at the Natural History Museum, London, about the economic impact of digitisation Feature about impact awareness training and what it means for DEN, the Netherlands Interview with Ana Aziza at the Fondation du Patrimoine about how impact assessment helps us to understand the value of built cultural heritage
What is driving you to think about your impact? Let us know by emailing!
Next steps:
What is impact?
The theory behind the Impact Playbook (in development)