The theory behind the Impact Playbook (in development)
Europeana Impact Framework is founded on the principles laid out in the Balanced Value Impact (BVI) Model developed by professor Simon Tanner in 2012.
The original BVI Model was the result of a funded research commission from the (a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin)
The goal was to research and test the best methods for assessing the impact of digitised collections and resources, by synthesising different methodologies and techniques and breaking these down into a cohesive and achievable methodology.
The issues of sustainability and long-term perspectives
“Problems of obtaining evidence of impact to support sustainability [for those creating and managing digital resources] relates in part to one simple aspect of digital resources: they have not existed for a very long time in the main part. Many evaluations of digital resources attempt to measure change over a very short period of time (sometimes even as short as 3 months), and thus have no baseline metrics against which to assess what may have changed. Also, it is difficult to measure impact if the resource or activity has not been supported for very long after the initial development period (and therefore the funding) has ended, and they have not been evaluated or assessed over time.“
Source: Tanner, S. (2012) Measuring the Impact of Digital Resources: The Balanced Value Impact Model. King’s College London, October 2012. Available at: (p. 9)
Balanced Value Impact (BVI) Model
The BVI Model is intended to aid thinking and decision making of those wishing to engage in impact assessment for the cultural, heritage, academic or creative industries. It further presumes that the assessment will be measuring change within an ecosystem for a digital resource.
The BVI Model focus is upon measuring change and evaluating the value of that change.
“The BVI Model defines impact as the measurable outcomes arising from the existence of a digital resource that demonstrate a change in the life or life opportunities of the community.”
Theory and practice
The BVI Model is a measurement model focused on identifying a change in a community arising from the existence of digital resources that are of proven value to the community.
The five steps
The BVI Model is a 5-stage iterative process:
Explore the five stages below.
STAGE 1: CONTEXT comprises 4 steps
STAGE 2: ANALYSIS AND DESIGN contains 5 components:
STAGE 3: IMPLEMENTATION contains 8 elements:
STAGE 4: OUTCOMES AND RESULTS are evaluated through the four strategic perspectives:
Other models and perspectives on impact
According to inDICEs project (in Deliverable 3.1: Policy analysis of value chains for CHIs in the Digital
Single Market (p. 17)), three different approaches to the issue of value and impact in the context of cultural heritage stand out:
Balanced Value Model by Simon Tanner
Europeana Impact Framework (based on Simon Tanner’s model)
Pier Luigi Sacco’s eight-tiers approach in Social and Economic Value Creation through Culture (see below)
The eight impact areas of Digital Active Participation
Designed by Pierreluigi Sacco in his Culture 3.0 concept, there are (at least) eight areas where active participation in digital culture could have impact:
Innovation and knowledge
Welfare and wellbeing
Sustainability and environment
Social cohesion
New forms of entrepreneurship
Learning society
Collective identity
Soft power
These impact areas not only highlight the value of the digitisation of cultural heritage but also act as inspiration to inspire heritage organisations to proactive strive to deliver more impact. Find out more on the inDICEs participatory space.
Next steps
Read more about theKing's Digital Lab
Read the original Phase one PDF
Review the Strategic perspectives