How to read the table:
✔ Mandatory property
+ Recommended property
Core Clasess
Properties of edm:ProvidedCHO
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title | Properties of edm:ProvidedCHO class |
dc:contributor | recommended property | dc:coverage | optional property | dc:creator | recommended property | dc:date | recommended property | dc:description | at least one of the blue properties should be present (and can be used alongside each other) | dc:format | optional property | dc:identifier | recommended property | dc:language | mandatory property, if edm:type=TEXT | dc:publisher | recommended property | dc:relation | optional property | dc:rights | optional property | dc:source | recommended property | dc:subject | at least one of the red properties should be present (and can be used alongside each other) | dc:title | at least one of the blue properties should be present (and can be used alongside each other) |
| dc:type | at least one of the red properties should be present (and can be used alongside each other) |
| dcterms:alternative | recommended property | dcterms:conformsTo | optional property | dcterms:created | recommended property | dcterms:extent | optional property | dcterms:hasFormat | optional property | dcterms:hasPart | optional property | dcterms:hasVersion | optional property | dcterms:isFormatOf | optional property | dcterms:isPartOf | recommended property |
dcterms:isReferencedBy | optional property |
dcterms:isReplacedBy | optional property |
dcterms:isRequiredBy | optional property |
dcterms:issued | recommended property |
dcterms:isVersionOf | optional property |
dcterms:medium | optional property |
dcterms:provenance | optional property |
dcterms:references | optional property |
dcterms:replaces | optional property |
dcterms:requires | optional property |
dcterms:spatial | at least one of the |
red properties should be present (and can be used alongside each other) |
dcterms:tableOfContents | optional property |
dcterms:temporal | at least one of the red properties should be present (and can be used alongside each other) |
edm:currentLocation | optional property |
edm:hasMet | optional property |
edm:hasType | optional property |
edm:incorporates | optional property |
edm:isDerivativeOf | optional property |
edm:isNextInSequence | recommended property |
edm:isRelatedTo | optional property |
edm:isRepresentationOf | optional property |
edm:isSimilarTo | optional property |
edm:isSuccessorOf | optional property |
edm:realizes | optional property |
edm:type | mandatory property |
owl:sameAs | optional property |
Properties for ore:Aggregation
The values in these properties relate to the original cultural heritage object (CHO) itself, not the digital representation of it. E.g. the attributes of the Mona Lisa, not the digitised image of the painting.
+ dc:contributor
Use for contributors to the CHO. If possible supply the identifier of the contributor from an authority source.
The spatial or temporal topic of the CHO.
+ dc:creator
For the creator of the CHO. If possible supply the identifier of the creator from an authority source.
+ dc:date
Use for a significant date in the life of the CHO.
→ dc:description
A description of the CHO. If there is no dc:description for an object, there must be a dc:title.
Use for the terms generally applied to indicate the format of the cultural heritage object or the file format of a born digital object.
+ dc:identifier
An identifier of the original CHO.
✔ dc:language
The language of text CHOs and also for other types of CHO if there is a language aspect. Mandatory for TEXT objects, strongly recommended for other object types with a language element. Best practice is to use ISO 639 two- or three-letter primary language tags.
+ dc:publisher
The name of the publisher of the CHO. If possible supply the identifier of the publisher from an authority source.
The name or identifier of a related resource, generally used for other related CHOs.
Use to give the name of the rights holder of the CHO if possible or for more general rights information.
+ dc:source
A related resource from which the described resource is derived in whole or in part i.e. the source of the original CHO.
The subject of the CHO. One of dc:subject or dc:type or dcterms:spatial or dcterA name given to the CHO. dc:title should be present; but if there is no dc:title available, it is acceptable to have dc:description instead.ms:temporal must be provided.
→ dc:title
A name given to the CHO. dc:title should be present; but if there is no dc:title available, it is acceptable to have dc:description instead.
The nature or genre of the CHO. Ideally the term(s) will be taken from a controlled vocabulary. One of dc:type or dc:subject or dcterms:spatial or dcterms:temporal must be provided.
+ dcterms:alternative
Any alternative title of the CHO including abbreviations or translations that may not be exact.
An established standard to which the CHO conforms. Or link to the resource.
+ dcterms:created
The date of creation of the CHO.
The size or duration of the CHO.
A resource related to the CHO that is substantially the same as the CHO but in another format.
A resource that is included either physically or logically in the CHO.
Another, later resource that is a version, edition or adaptation of the CHO demonstrating substantive changes in content rather than format.
Another resource that is substantially the same as the CHO but in another format.
edm:aggregatedCHO | mandatory property |
edm:dataProvider | mandatory property |
edm:hasView | optional property |
edm:isShownAt | at least one of the green properties should be present (and can be used alongside each other) |
edm:isShownBy | at least one of the green properties should be present (and can be used alongside each other) |
edm:object | recommended property |
edm:provider | mandatory property |
dc:rights | optional property |
edm:rights | mandatory property |
edm:ugc | optional property |
edm:intermediateProvider | recommended property |
Properties for edm:WebResource
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title | Properties for edm:WebResource |
dc:creator | optional property | dc:description | optional property | dc:type | optional property | dc:format | optional property | dc:rights | optional property | dc:source | optional property | dcterms:conformsTo | optional property | dcterms:created | optional property | dcterms:extent | optional property | dcterms:hasPart | optional property | dcterms:isFormatOf | optional property | dcterms:isPartOf | optional property | dcterms:isReferencedBy | optional property | dcterms:issued | optional property | edm:isNextInSequence | optional property | edm:rights | recommended property | owl:sameAs | optional property |
Contextual Classes
Properties for edm:Agent
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title | Properties for edm:Agent |
skos:prefLabel | recommended property | skos:altLabel | recommended property | skos:note | optional property | dc:date | optional property | dc:identifier | optional property | dcterms:hasPart | optional property | dcterms:isPartOf | optional property | edm:begin | optional property | edm:end | optional property | edm:hasMet | optional property | edm:isRelatedTo | optional property | foaf:name | optional property | rdaGr2:biographicalInformation | optional property | rdaGr2:dateOfBirth | recommended property | rdaGr2:dateOfDeath | recommended property | rdaGr2:dateOfEstablishment | optional property | rdaGr2:dateOfTermination | optional property | rdaGr2:gender | optional property | rdaGr2:placeOfBirth | optional property | rdaGr2:placeOfDeath | optional property | rdaGr2:professionOrOccupation | optional property | owl:sameAs | optional property |
Properties for edm:Place
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title | Properties for edm:Place |
wgs84_pos:lat | recommended property | wgs84_pos:long | recommended property | wgs84_pos:alt | optional property | skos:prefLabel | recommended property | skos:altLabel | optional property | skos:note | optional property | dcterms:hasPart | optional property | dcterms:isPartOf | optional property | edm:isNextInSequence | optional property | owl:sameAs | optional property |
Properties for edm:TimeSpan
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title | Properties for edm:TimeSpan |
skos:prefLabel | recommended property | skos:altLabel | optional property | skos:note | optional property | dcterms:hasPart | optional property | dcterms:isPartOf | optional property | edm:begin | recommended property | edm:end | recommended property | edm:isNextInSequence | optional property | owl:sameAs | optional property |
Properties for skos:Concept
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title | Properties for skos:Concept |
skos:prefLabel | recommended property |
skos:altLabel | recommended property | skos:broader | optional property | skos:narrower | optional property | skos:related | optional property | skos:broadMatch | optional property | skos:narrowMatch | optional property | skos:relatedMatch | optional property | skos:exactMatch | optional property | skos:closeMatch | optional property | skos:note | optional property | skos:notation | optional property | skos:inScheme | optional property |
Properties for cc:License
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title | Properties for cc:License |
odrl:inheritFrom | mandatory property |
cc:deprecatedOn | optional property |