Overview of properties per class
- Adina Ciocoiu
- Fiona Mowat
Core Clasess
Properties of edm:ProvidedCHO
dc:contributor | recommended property |
dc:coverage | optional property |
dc:creator | recommended property |
dc:date | recommended property |
dc:description | at least one of the blue properties should be present (and can be used alongside each other) |
dc:format | optional property |
dc:identifier | recommended property |
dc:language | mandatory property, if edm:type=TEXT |
dc:publisher | recommended property |
dc:relation | optional property |
dc:rights | optional property |
dc:source | recommended property |
dc:subject | at least one of the red properties should be present (and can be used alongside each other) |
dc:title | at least one of the blue properties should be present (and can be used alongside each other) |
dc:type | at least one of the red properties should be present (and can be used alongside each other) |
dcterms:alternative | recommended property |
dcterms:conformsTo | optional property |
dcterms:created | recommended property |
dcterms:extent | optional property |
dcterms:hasFormat | optional property |
dcterms:hasPart | optional property |
dcterms:hasVersion | optional property |
dcterms:isFormatOf | optional property |
dcterms:isPartOf | recommended property |
dcterms:isReferencedBy | optional property |
dcterms:isReplacedBy | optional property |
dcterms:isRequiredBy | optional property |
dcterms:issued | recommended property |
dcterms:isVersionOf | optional property |
dcterms:medium | optional property |
dcterms:provenance | optional property |
dcterms:references | optional property |
dcterms:replaces | optional property |
dcterms:requires | optional property |
dcterms:spatial | at least one of the red properties should be present (and can be used alongside each other) |
dcterms:tableOfContents | optional property |
dcterms:temporal | at least one of the red properties should be present (and can be used alongside each other) |
edm:currentLocation | optional property |
edm:hasMet | optional property |
edm:hasType | optional property |
edm:incorporates | optional property |
edm:isDerivativeOf | optional property |
edm:isNextInSequence | recommended property |
edm:isRelatedTo | optional property |
edm:isRepresentationOf | optional property |
edm:isSimilarTo | optional property |
edm:isSuccessorOf | optional property |
edm:realizes | optional property |
edm:type | mandatory property |
owl:sameAs | optional property |
Properties for ore:Aggregation
edm:aggregatedCHO | mandatory property |
edm:aggregatedCHO | mandatory property |
edm:dataProvider | mandatory property |
edm:hasView | optional property |
edm:isShownAt | at least one of the green properties should be present (and can be used alongside each other) |
edm:isShownBy | at least one of the green properties should be present (and can be used alongside each other) |
edm:object | recommended property |
edm:provider | mandatory property |
dc:rights | optional property |
edm:rights | mandatory property |
edm:ugc | optional property |
edm:intermediateProvider | recommended property |
Properties for edm:WebResource
dc:creator | optional property |
dc:description | optional property |
dc:type | optional property |
dc:format | optional property |
dc:rights | optional property |
dc:source | optional property |
dcterms:conformsTo | optional property |
dcterms:created | optional property |
dcterms:extent | optional property |
dcterms:hasPart | optional property |
dcterms:isFormatOf | optional property |
dcterms:isPartOf | optional property |
dcterms:isReferencedBy | optional property |
dcterms:issued | optional property |
edm:isNextInSequence | optional property |
edm:rights | recommended property |
owl:sameAs | optional property |
Contextual Classes
Properties for edm:Agent
skos:prefLabel | recommended property |
skos:altLabel | recommended property |
skos:note | optional property |
dc:date | optional property |
dc:identifier | optional property |
dcterms:hasPart | optional property |
dcterms:isPartOf | optional property |
edm:begin | optional property |
edm:end | optional property |
edm:hasMet | optional property |
edm:isRelatedTo | optional property |
foaf:name | optional property |
rdaGr2:biographicalInformation | optional property |
rdaGr2:dateOfBirth | recommended property |
rdaGr2:dateOfDeath | recommended property |
rdaGr2:dateOfEstablishment | optional property |
rdaGr2:dateOfTermination | optional property |
rdaGr2:gender | optional property |
rdaGr2:placeOfBirth | optional property |
rdaGr2:placeOfDeath | optional property |
rdaGr2:professionOrOccupation | optional property |
owl:sameAs | optional property |
Properties for edm:Place
wgs84_pos:lat | recommended property |
wgs84_pos:long | recommended property |
wgs84_pos:alt | optional property |
skos:prefLabel | recommended property |
skos:altLabel | optional property |
skos:note | optional property |
dcterms:hasPart | optional property |
dcterms:isPartOf | optional property |
edm:isNextInSequence | optional property |
owl:sameAs | optional property |
Properties for edm:TimeSpan
Properties for skos:Concept
Properties for cc:License