Changes that occur for stakeholders or in society as a result of activities (for which the organisation is accountable).
The tangible, quantifiable and measurable products and services delivered by activities.
The actual or planned actions undertaken by a person or an organisation in order to achieve their goals.
An actual or intended change experienced by the stakeholder through their engagement with (an organisation’s) activities.
The actual or planned actions undertaken by a person or an organisation in order to achieve their goals.
A metric that indicates if and to what extent a programme or activity is contributing towards the anticipated outcomes.
Data collection
The process of gathering and measuring information in a systematic way (definition drawn from Wikipedia).
A person, group, community, or organisation expected to experience a change (that is, to benefit in some way from an organisation’s work). In the impact design phase, activities and impact assessments are designed around stakeholders.
Impact assessment
A research activity to understand if activities lead or contribute to the changes (short and long-term outcomes, impact) designed for stakeholders.
The four phases of the Impact Playbook
Phase one: Impact design
The documentation of the key elements taken from the design phase (Phase one) of the Impact Playbook. This relates to either designing an impactful activity and/or its impact assessment.
Phase two: Impact measurement
Intended Learning Outcomes: these define what a learner will have acquired and will be able to do upon successfully completing a specific training session or training course. Intended Learning Outcomes are expressed from the learners’ perspective and are measurable, achievable and assessable.
Phase three: impact narration
The process of telling the story of the impact created through activitiesIntended Learning Outcomes: these define what a learner will have acquired and will be able to do upon successfully completing a specific training session or training course. Intended Learning Outcomes are expressed from the learners’ perspective and are measurable, achievable and assessable.
Phase four: evaluation
The process of telling the story of the impact created through activitiesIntended Learning Outcomes: these define what a learner will have acquired and will be able to do upon successfully completing a specific training session or training course. Intended Learning Outcomes are expressed from the learners’ perspective and are measurable, achievable and assessable.
Types of impact
Economic impact
The results of activities delivering economic benefits to society, stakeholders or to the organisation.
Social impact
The result of activities that lead to stakeholders and wider society being affected and changed in a beneficial fashion.
Innovation impact
The results of activities delivering economic benefits to society, stakeholders or to the organisation.
Operational impact
The results of activities that have led to an improvement or refinement of internal processes to the organisation delivering the activities.
Environmental impact
Generally referred to as the negative impact caused to the environment (e.g. through carbon emissions from travel) directly or indirectly due to an activity. It also includes positive impact, if changes are made that have a positive effect on the environment.
Other impact terminology
Digital carbon footprint
The total greenhouse gas emissions caused by digital services or activities, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent.
Digital transformation
The process and the result of using digital technology to transform how an organisation operates and delivers value. It helps an organisation to thrive, fulfil its mission and meet the needs of its stakeholders. See Europeana’s working definition.
Data collection
The process of gathering and measuring information in a systematic way (definition drawn from Wikipedia).
Intended learning outcomes (ILOs)
These define what a learner will have acquired and will be able to do upon successfully completing a specific training session or training course. Intended Learning Outcomes are expressed from the learners’ perspective and are measurable, achievable and assessable.
The way we determine the quantity, dimensions or amount of the impact of our activities.
Network analysis
The analysis of social structures in terms of nodes (those people or objects under investigation) and the links (the connections between them). The findings are most often represented in a sociogram.
Problem statement
A brief description of the problem that the activities of the organisation seek to address.
The process of judging or calculating the quality, importance, effectiveness or value of something (definition drawn from the Cambridge Dictionary). Evaluation is usually part of an impact assessment approach and evaluation can be conducted separately from impact assessment.
Guide to our tools
Change pathway
An impact tool to connect the activities and outputs of an organisation with the outcomes experienced by the stakeholder.
Change pathway
An impact tool to connect the activities and outputs of an organisation with the outcomes experienced by the stakeholder.
Change pathway
An impact tool to connect the activities and outputs of an organisation with the outcomes experienced by the stakeholder.
Change pathway
An impact tool to connect the activities and outputs of an organisation with the outcomes experienced by the stakeholder.
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