Questions I’d like to determine from Alba about her users:
The main questions I would have for this audience are actually around how they intend to use the items once they have found them, and what their needs are there.
For example:
Do they use the gallery feature to save items?
What additional needs do they have that galleries don’t offer?
What is the max. number of items they’d need to save?
Do they want to save a set of items from a specific point in time, or save the search that resulted in them (meaning that set of results would change over time, as new items are added), or both?
Once they have that set, do they need to search, filter, or sort within that set?
They need annotations - they need to interact with the sets that way (not just at the item level)
Do they need to share the set? Collaborate?
Do they need to export or download that set of items in some way? If so, what file formats do they want? Zip files, export to csv, or others? (would need to check with the devs that they are technically feasible)
Do they also use the Set API for their needs?
Search APIs (not up-to-date) and Record APIs - our APIs are not at the stage where users can get what they need; they are a huge barrier; ideally the website interface could
COLLECTIONS AS DATA WORKFLOW (read this and understand as the way people work with data at the set level), data-driven research for computational reuse:
Documentation of the data sets is also something structural to the R+D team - this documentation is structured and standardised to a certain extent: see table that Antoine is working on what fields we use to describe data sets: - form the item level to the data set level - there is coherence there - users can understand what the set contains at the data set level
There are data sets that come pre-packaged via ingestion; and then users create data sets via galleries (for now)
CH professionals are interested in the functionality we have around galleries “we want to be the ones hwo create data sets” - researchers, students create datasets that are research data; there is already manipulation ; the CH data sets that are ingested are not necessarily user friendly, you need an api to work at that data set level