Phase two case studies, tips and resources
Impact webinar
In 2020/2021, we held a series of online events to discuss everything impact-related with invited guests from the Europeana Network Association and beyond. Find out more about getting the data right on Europeana Pro, where you can watch the video and read the summary of the discussion.
Samples and validity
Understanding Confidence Intervals | Easy Examples & Formulas
How to choose a sample size (for the statistically challenged) - tools4dev
Six rules of thumb for determining sample size and statistical power - Resource
Data collection methods and analysis
Online publieksonderzoek: Wat vindt jouw publiek? 5 methodes | DEN (In Dutch) - explore data collection methods inspired by co-creation
Emerging Methods: Creative Research Examples — Sage Research Methods Community
Learning from data collection with the Me-Mind project and Estonian National Museum | Europeana PRO
Arts-based methods for researching digital life, Rob Kitchin
‘Dabbling in the Data: A Hands-On Guide to Participatory Data Analysis' - The activities support learning analysis techniques and using the data that you are already collecting.
Data visualisation
Follow Stephanie Evergreen