Statistics Europeana website

Statistics Europeana website

This research aims to get a better understanding of the users of our website. Who are our users? What are they doing on the website? How do they interact with our content? 


The research focuses on users who spend five minutes or more on the website. We will look at two specific time frames: the first is the week we sent out the newsletter. The second one is for two months, from mid-January - to mid-March. The latter is also a period in which school teachers and students are active. 


⚠️  A note upfront: the numbers may include Europeana colleagues working from home or the office. We use Matomo for tracking statistics.


Statistics of the newsletter week

We published the newsletter on Feb 21, and the statistics cover the time frame February 21st - 28th. Good to know that there are over 50.000 newsletter subscribers in total.


Five minutes or longer

Matomo reported 138.353 visits during that week, 12.706 visits lasted five minutes or longer (around 9% of the total >= 5 minutes visits), and 2.257 visits lasted even thirty minutes or longer (1.6% of total >= 5 minutes). So it means that 125.647 visits lasted less than 5 minutes.


When we look closely at the five-minutes-and-longer visits (12.706), we can conclude that the majority come from search engines, around 57.4%. On the other hand, 308 visits come from the newsletter (a fraction of traffic from campaigns), which is 2.4% of the total five-minutes-and-longer visits.


The average visit duration in this week was around 21 minutes, the number of page views was 145.689 (of which 74.217 unique page views). 12.476 items were downloaded (of which 11.099 unique downloads) and the number of outlinks was 12.236 (of which 10.752 unique outlinks).


To compare:










💡 In this week a total number of 1.668 visits came from Campaign > Newsletter. Their average duration on the website was just over 4 minutes. The five-minutes-or-longer visits (388) had an average duration of almost 20 minutes


💡 The total number of downloads during this week was 19.659 (of which 17.480 unique downloads). The number of downloads of the group that stayed five minutes or longer was  12.476 (of which 11.099 unique downloads), that is around 63% of the total number of downloads. Are those who stay longer on the website more likely to download? 



Five minutes or longer

To further refine the results, let’s take a look at the visits that lasted five minutes or longer and started on a blog post or exhibition.


During that “newsletter week” 1.913 visits were reported that started on blog or exhibition pages, that’s around 15% of the total number of over 5 minute (12.706, see above). 







Statistics mid-January - mid-March

The second time frame covers a period of two months, mid January till mid March. This is a period in which there aren’t many holidays and school teachers and students could be active on the website. 


Five minutes or longer

During these two months 1.115.016 visits were reported, 97.304 visits lasted five minutes or longer (around 9% of the total visits) and 16.945 visits lasted even thirty minutes or longer (1.6% of total visits). Which means that 1.017.712 visits lasted less than 5 minutes.


Taking a closer look at the five-minutes-and-longer visits (97.304), the majority comes from search engines, 55.049, that’s around 56.6%. 836 visits come from the newsletter (this can be found under campaigns), that is 0.9% of the total number of five-minutes-and-longer visits.




💡  The statistics aren’t that different from the “newsletter week”. 



Account pages




Notes Newsletter

Feb 21 - Feb 28 (newsletter published on Feb 21)

Over 5 minutes and entry page blog/exhibition


Average visit duration: 19 min 57s

Pageviews: 10.424 (unique pageviews: 6.903)

Downloads: 299 (unique downloads: 272)

Outlinks: 731 (unique outlinks: 673)


Over 5 minutes and (at least 1) blog/exhibition somewhere during their visitVisits: 3.518 (28% of all over 5 minute visits)

  • Search Engines: 2.193

  • Direct entry: 533

  • Websites: 379

  • Campaigns: 268 (newsletter: 242)

  • Social Networks: 127 (Facebook: 86)





  1. Some people read entire exhibitions / blog posts and stay for a while on the website. 

  2. People “move” from an item to an exhibition or blog post. We don’t have links on the item page to exhibition pages or blog posts. So how would people do that? 

  3. People seem to ”try” the main navigation: stories / collections / stories / … 

  4. People seem to click through to editorial content from collection pages. 

  5. People coming from Google and end up on an exhibition/blog > what did they Google? 

  6. Some people are on a certain item page in one language and then move to another item page in another language.

    1. We should perhaps track the language selector. 

  7. How do people know the “direct entry” link?

  8. TODO:Are we excluded from the statistics > the Netherlands? Add graphs.

Schools (a period of time when we know school is in session)

Jan 15 - March 15Visit durationAll visits: 1.115.016

  • Campaigns: 21.368 (newsletter: 4.770, represents 4/10 of a percent of visitors during this time period)

Over 5 minutes: 97.304 (9% of total visits)

Over 30 minutes: 16.945 (1.6% of total visits)


All over 5 minutes visitsVisits: 97.304 (9% of all visits)

  • Search Engines: 55.049

  • Direct entry: 25.0176

  • Websites: 9.249

  • Campaigns: 3.058 (newsletter: 836)

  • Social Networks: 4.745 (Facebook: 2.323)


Average visit duration: 21 min 1s

Pageviews: 981.019 (unique pageviews: 570.178)

Downloads: 104.845  (unique downloads: 93.808)

Outlinks: 97.473 (unique outlinks: 85.334)


Over 5 minutes and entry page blog/exhibition

Visits: 13.680 (14% of all over 5 minute visits)

  • Search Engines: 8.600

  • Direct entry: 1.878

  • Websites: 1.498

  • Campaigns: 568 (newsletter: 536)

  • Social Networks: 1.136 (Facebook: 1.028)


Average visit duration: 19 min 18s

Pageviews: 71.885 (unique pageviews: 47.293)

Downloads: 1.670 (unique downloads: 1.464)

Outlinks: 3.946 (unique outlinks: 3.474)


Over 5 minutes and (at least 1) blog/exhibition somewhere during their visitVisits: 24.166  (25% of all over 5 minute visits)

  • Search Engines: 14.600

  • Direct entry: 3.934

  • Websites: 2.869

  • Campaigns: 993 (newsletter: 731)

  • Social Networks: 1.770 (Facebook: 1.313)

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