Entity Curation Flow: Usability testing (Aggregators)

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Usability test/training with Aggregators 24 Jan 2023

Recording can be found here.

Facilitators: Henning, Dasha, Hugo


  1. Login issues

    • They need to remember the correct login which has the curator permissions applied; several of them forgot which one to use [around 15:00]

  2. Org entity page and “Learn More” pop-up

    • They are interested to edit this directly

    • Using the Feedback button to report issues with this information felt a bit out of context; they’d like a Report button right in the pop-up [around 19:00]

    • They are interested in displaying the city, country, and acronym directly under the org name, not hidden in the pop-up

    • Interested in adding logos themselves - if they’re already doing the entity curation, it’s a good opportunity to spruce up the org page with anything else that’s missing

  3. Drag & drop of pinned items

    • Several of them were interested in being able to do this; adding 24 items in reverse order can be challenging, or they might miss something, want to switch things around later, etc. [45:00, 1:24:00]

  4. Moving between user profile Curated Galleries page & the org page itself

    1. Needing multiple tabs open to do this is cumbersome, and some users forget to do it [around 52:00, 54:50]

  5. Frequency they could see themselves doing this

    1. Every two weeks, monthly

    2. Bugs* block them, but if those are fixed then they’ll use this feature

*Not documented here, as Dasha and Hugo said they were documenting them during the session.



  1. More research needed

    • The Aggregators are a small user group; thus, their requests (such as) seeing the place/acronyms on the org pages would need to be validated by actual end users.

  2. Increase their ability to add content

    • That said, they are an engaged group, and have expressed willingness to add content for us, such as logos. I think if we can build features which allow them to add or enrich more content for us, it could benefit the quality of our content on the site with less load on our staff.

      • Maybe this could be part of our work to flesh out the user profiles a bit more? (Line 259 in the Roadmap)