Search filters: Usability testing (Zoho User Research Group)

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Ulisses 31 March 2023

Recording can be found here.

  • Cultural heritage professional, a researcher who conducts research with other CH researchers (and has access to them)

  • Works at the [future Police Museum?] in Lisbon

  • Recently completed a masters in digital libraries/digital museums studies

  • Expects to find famous artworks like the Mona Lisa on Europeana, because we are “the” data space for cultural heritage in Europe

  • TYPE OF MEDIA filter could be more granular - sound could be recorded music, street sounds, instrument sample sound

  • LANGUAGE of lyrics would be interesting

Maddalena 23 March 2023

Recordings can be found here and here.

  • Researcher; works in a research company that is also a partner of Europeana’s (Erasmus Plus)

  • Previously worked at University of Bolognia and as an in-house lawyer for a large company in Italy

  • Europeana pro profile

  • Would like a CENTURIES filter

  • Also, a way to SORT by date/most recent

  • Wishes galleries allowed more than 99 items; has gathered upwards of 2000 images over the last year

  • Use boolean operators in her searches, and shows her high school students how to do this as well

Cecilia 20 March 2023

Recording can be found here.

  • Name is pronounced “cesheelia”.

  • Semi-retired art historian, used to work in book/building/image/X-ray cataloguing

  • Now works in admin at an Italian arts university

  • Favourite filter = THEMES

  • Loves to receive the newsletter; prefers more curated content

  • Doesn’t like mobile, needs to put on glasses to use it

Jara 17 March 2023

Recording can be found here.

  • Sociology university student in Spain

  • Conducts specific searches re: traditional costumes

Sami 17 February 2023

Recording can be found here.

  • Recent master graduate in Cultural Heritage; referred by Alba, not from Zoho.