| | |
@context | String (URL) | The JSON-LD context corresponding to the version of the Manifest. Always with the value "http://iiif.io/api/presentation/3/context.json" for v3 Manifests. |
id | String (URI) | The unique identifier of the Manifest |
type | String | The type of the resource. Always set to "Manifest" for Manifests. |
label | Object (LangMap) | The title of the Item in multiple languages when available. |
summary | Object (LangObject) | A longer-form prose description of the item in multiple languages when available. |
metadata | Array (Metadata) | A section dedicated to present a portion of the metadata for this Item for display purposes. |
thumbnail | Array (Thumbnail) | The thumbnail for this Item. |
navDate | String (Datetime) | A date that can be used for navigation purposes when presenting the resource to the user in a time-based user interface, such as a calendar or timeline. |
homepage | Array (Homepage) | The URL of this item in the Europeana Website. |
requiredStatement | Object (Attribution Statement) | A text that must be shown when the item is displayed or used, presenting the copyright or ownership statements and an acknowledgement of the owning and/or publishing institution. |
rights | Object (Rights) | One of the rights statements defined for use in Europeana. A rights statement that indicates the copyright, usage and access rights that apply to the content resource. |
provider | Array (Provider) | The information about the provider of this Manifest. For Europeana, the Provider will always be ‘Europeana’. |
seeAlso | Array (Dataset) | A list of datasets that this item is linked to. An item will most likely always link to 1 dataset. |
service | Array (Search Service) | A list of services that are available for this Manifest. Only the search service is available. |
start | Object (Reference) | Refers to the first Canvas to be displayed to the user. |
items | Array (Canvas) | A ordered list of canvases that make up this Manifest. A canvas is a view (or individual page) of an item. |
id | String (URI) | The unique identifier of the Canvas. |
type | String | The type of the resource. Always set to "Canvas" for Canvases. |
label | Object (Language Map) | A label for the Canvas in multiple languages if available. |
height | Integer | The height of the canvas which corresponds to the height of the content resource. |
width | Integer | The width of the canvas which corresponds to the width of the content resource. |
duration | Number | The duration (measured in seconds) of the canvas which corresponds to the duration of the content resource (only applies to Audio or Video). |
requiredStatement | Object (Attribution Statement) | A text that must be shown when the content resource is displayed or used, presenting the copyright or ownership statements and an acknowledgement of the owning and/or publishing institution. |
rights | Object (Rights) | One of the rights statements defined for use in Europeana. A rights statement that indicates the copyright, usage and access rights that apply to the content resource. |
thumbnail | Array (Thumbnail) | The thumbnail, a smaller image that pictorially represents this content resource. |
items | Array (Content Page) | A list representing the content that makes up the Canvas. For Europeana every canvas always will have 1 item, represented by 1 image, and thus 1 content page. |
annotations | Array (Full-text Page) | A list representing the textual annotations to this canvas. For Europeana, there will always be 1 item here, being the full-text textual representation of what the image on the canvas shows. |
type | String | The type of the resource. Always set to "AnnotationPage" for content pages. |
items | Array (Painting Annotation) | A list of painting annotations that represent the content that is display in the canvas. Only one painting annotation is present per canvas. |
type | String | The type of the resource. Always set to "Annotation" for painting annotations. |
motivation | String | A motivation for the annotation, in this case declaring that the image will be “painted“ on to the canvas. |
timeMode | String | Indicates that a content resource with duration must be trimmed to the duration of the Canvas. |
body | Object (Content Resource) | The content resource to be displayed in the Canvas. |
target | String (URI) | The identifier of the Canvas on which the content resource will be displayed. |
id | String | The URL of the content resource. |
type | String | The type of the resource. One of “Image“, “Video“, “Sound“, “Text“. |
height | Integer | The height of the content resource. |
width | Integer | The width of the content resource. |
duration | Number | The duration of the content resource. |
language | String | The language of the content resource represented as a two letter ISO639 code. |
service | Object (Image Service) | The IIIF Image service endpoint. It allows for the image to be progressively retrieved via tiles with varying resolutions. |
id | String (URL) | A reference to a page containing all full-text annotations available for this content resource. |
type | String | The type of the resource. Always set to "AnnotationPage" for full-text pages. |
language | String | The language of the full-text represented as a two letter ISO639 code and match the languages that are supported by Europeana. |
textGranularity | Array (String) | The several levels of granularity represented on this page. |
id | String (URL) | The URL of the IIIF service hosting/serving the image. |
type | String | Type of the resource. Always set to "ImageService3" for a image service. |
profile | String (URI) | The compliance level profile of the IIIF image service endpoint. It defines the operations that are accepted by the server to be applied on the image being retrieval. |
@context | String (URI) | The JSON-LD context for the search service. Always with the value "http://iiif.io/api/search/1/context.json". |
id | String | The URL of the Content Search service for this item. |
profile | String | The version of the content search service. Always with the value “http://iiif.io/api/search/1/search“. |
label | Object (Language Map) | The name of a metadata property. One of: date, format, relation, type, language, source. |
value | Object (Language Map) | The value of the metadata property in the available languages. |
id | String (URI) | The URL of the about us page in the Europeana Website. |
type | String | The type of the resource. Always set to “Agent“. |
homepage | Array (Homepage) | A reference to the Europeana Website landing page. |
logo | Array (Logo) | The URL of the Europeana logo to be used for display. |
label | Object (Language Map) | Always with the value “Attribution“ |
value | Object (Language Map) | An attribution snippet to be used for display. |
id | String (URI) | The URL of one of the rights statements defined for use in Europeana. |
type | String | The type of the resource. Always set to “Text“. |
format | String | The mimetype of the resouce being linked to. |
id | String (URI) | The URL of the thumbnail. |
type | String | The type of the resource. Always set to “Image“. |
width | Integer | The width of the thumbnail. |
height | Integer | The height of the thumbnail. |
id | String (URI) | The URL for accessing the metadata record using the Record API. |
type | String | The type of the resource. Always set to “Dataset“. |
format | String | The format in which to access the metadata of the record represented as a media-type following the RFC 6838 specification. |
profile | String (URL) | The model used to represent the metadata. Only EDM is supported. |
id | String (URI) | The URL to the webpage. |
type | String | The type of the resource. Always set to “Text“. |
label | Object (Language Map) | A label to be used for display. |
format | String | The mimetype of the resouce being linked to. |
id | String (URI) | The URL of the logo. |
type | String | The type of the resource. Always set to “Image“. |
{LANG} | Array (String) | An object containing several pairs of language and values. The language is represented using the ISO639 code. |