EDM to IIIF Mapping

EDM to IIIF Mapping

Below, you'll find two tables documenting how objects described in EDM can be represented within the IIIF framework. These documents can serve as a valuable resource for individuals interested in crafting their own IIIF manifest from EDM. Please note the mappings do not encompass every field available. For a more exhaustive list, we encourage you to consult the IIIF API Documentation, specifically Response v3 and v2.1 in the “Retrieving a manifest” section. This will provide you with a complete overview of all available fields.


Europeana IIIF manifest v3


IIIF Field

IIIF Datatype

Mapping from EDM

IIIF Field

IIIF Datatype

Mapping from EDM



Array (Language Map)

Title of the object obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:title, or, if title is missing, its description obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:description.


Array (Language Map)

Description of the object obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:description, but only added if title is present.


Array (Metadata Property)

Portion of the metadata that might be used to convey ownership information, information about the creation of the object or physical characteristics of the object for display purposes.

In the case of Europeana, a specific set of EDM fields is used to obtain the information about the object. See Metadata Property.


Array (Thumbnail)

Smaller image that pictorially represents the object obtained from ore:Aggregation/edm:preview.


String (xsd:dateTime)

Date that can be used for navigation purposes when presenting the resource to the user in a time-based user interface, such as a calendar or timeline.

In the case of Europeana, this is date of formal issuance or publication of the object obtained from ore:Proxy/dcterms:issued.


Array (Homepage)

Webpage where the object represented by the manifest is displayed and is usually published by the organisation responsible for the object. The value of the ore:Aggregation/edm:isShownAt can be used.

In the case of Europeana, the value obtained from ore:Aggregation/edm:landingPage is used. See Homepage.


Object (Attribution Statement)

Text that must be shown when web resources for this object are displayed or used. It should include the title, date of issue or publication, acknowledgement of the owning and/or publishing organisation and rights statement.

Europeana manifests use the text obtained from the text attribution snippet associated with the edm:isShownBy web resource. See Attribution Statement.


Object (Rights)

Rights statement that governs the reuse possibilities for this object obtained from ore:Aggregation/edm:rights. See Rights.


Array (Provider)

Acknowledges the creator of the manifest.

Europeana manifests indicate Europeana as the creator of the manifest. See Provider.


Array (Dataset)

Machine-readable resource related to the manifest that could be used, for example, for search and discovery purposes. A link to a manifest that describes a related object could also be a valid target for this property.

In the case of Europeana, it is used to indicate references for accessing the source metadata for the object (i.e. provided EDM) in the available formats. See Dataset.


Array (Service)

Link to a service that can be utilised to retrieve additional functionalities available for the object, such as searching full-text content (Search Service), or if a IIIF image service is available for the resources related to the canvas (Image Service).


Object (Reference)

Canvas that a viewer initialises its display with. This is the canvas related to the edm:isShownBy web resource, or, if absent, the first canvas.


Array (Canvas)

List of all edm:isShownBy and edm:hasView web resources. The order of the canvases is obtained from the edm:WebResource/edm:isNextInSequence in the reverse order. See Canvas.



Object (Language Map)

Indicates the label to be used for displaying a title for the canvas. In the case of Europeana, this is the sequence number of the canvas: “p.{CANVAS_SEQ_NR}”.



Obtained from the respective edm:WebResource/ebucore:height.



Obtained from the respective edm:WebResource/ebucore:width.



Obtained from the respective edm:WebResource/ebucore:duration (only relevant for video and audio).


Object (Attribution Statement)

Europeana manifests use the text obtained from the text attribution snippet associated with the respective edm:WebResource. See Attribution Statement.


Object (Rights)

Rights statement that governs the reuse possibilities of the respective web resource (obtained from edm:WebResource/edm:rights, or, if not present, from ore:Aggregation/edm:rights). See Rights.


Array (Thumbnail)

Smaller image that pictorially represents the canvas.

Europeana manifests use the Thumbnail API with the URL obtained from the respective edm:WebResource.


Array (Content Page)

If the content associated with the canvas are image, video or sound resources that are meant to be painted on the canvas (i.e. their motivation value is “painting), they are included in this property. See Content Page.


Array (Full-text Page)

For some objects, there may be other resources available to display (e.g. transcriptions, commentary annotations, tags, etc). If there is at least one full-text resource associated with the canvas, it is included in this property in the form of an annotation with the motivation value set to “transcribing”.

Content Page


Array (Painting Annotation)

List of painting annotations that are modelling construct for “painting” content into the canvas. See Painting Annotation.

Painting Annotation


Object (Content Resource)

The content resource is linked in the body of the annotation. See Content Resource.


String (URI)

Each Painting Annotation has canvas as its target and there can only be one painting annotation present per canvas.

Content Resource



Mime type of the web resource obtained from the respective edm:WebResource/ebucore:hasMimeType.



Obtained from the respective edm:WebResource/ebucore:height.



Obtained from the respective edm:WebResource/ebucore:width.



Obtained from the respective edm:WebResource/ebucore:duration (only relevant for video and audio).


Object (Image Service)

Only present if a IIIF Image service is available for the image. See Image Service.

Image Service


String (URL)

URL that identifies the service, obtained from rdf:about of the respective edm:WebResource/svcs:has_service.

Search Service


String (URL)

URL of the Content Search service for this item.

Metadata Property


Object (Language Map)

Information about the object is conveyed through pairs of labels and values. The label represents the name of the relevant EDM property without the prefix, while the value corresponds to the property's value.

Supported properties include:

  • dc:date, obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:date

  • dc:format, obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:format

  • dc:relation, obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:relation

  • dc:type, obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:type

  • dc:language, obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:language

  • dc:source, obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:source.


Object (Language Map)



String (URL)

Reference to the Europeana website landing page “https://www.europeana.eu/en/about-us”.

Attribution Statement


Object (Language Map)

Html attribution snippet obtained from the relevant web resource available on the JSON output of the Record API.



String (URL)

Value is URL of one of the available rights statements defined for use in Europeana.




Mime type of the format. Europeana supports the following mime types (note there could be other formats supported outside of Europeana):

  • application/ld+json

  • application/json

  • application/rdf+xml.


String (URL)

In the case of Europeana, only EDM is supported.



String (URL)

In the case of Europeana, it holds a reference to the page of this object in Europeana starting with “https://www.europeana.eu”.

Language Map


Array (String)

Array of all values with no associated language.


Array (String)

Array of values in Europeana-supported languages represented as a two-letter ISO-639 code.

Europeana IIIF manifest v2.1

IIIF Field

IIIF Datatype

Mapping from EDM

IIIF Field

IIIF Datatype

Mapping from EDM



Array (Language Value)

Title of the object obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:title, or, if title is missing, its description obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:description.


Array (Language Value)

Description of the object obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:description, but only added if title is present.


Array (Metadata Property)

Portion of the metadata that might be used to convey ownership information, information about the creation of the object or physical characteristics of the object for display purposes.

In the case of Europeana, a specific set of EDM fields is used to obtain the information about the object. See Metadata Property.


Object (Thumbnail)

Smaller image that pictorially represents the object obtained from ore:Aggregation/edm:preview.


String (xsd:dateTime)

Date that can be used for navigation purposes when presenting the resource to the user in a time-based user interface, such as a calendar or timeline.

In the case of Europeana, this is date of formal issuance or publication of the object obtained from ore:Proxy/dcterms:issued.



Text that must be shown when web resources for this object are displayed or used. It should include the title, date of issue or publication, acknowledgement of the owning and/or publishing organisation and rights statement.

Europeana manifests use the text obtained from the text attribution snippet associated with the edm:isShownBy web resource.


String (URL)

Rights statement that governs the reuse possibilities for this object obtained from ore:Aggregation/edm:rights.

Value is URL of one of the available rights statements defined for use in Europeana.


String (URL)

Small image that represents an individual or organisation associated with the manifest. This could be the logo of the owning or hosting institution.

In the case of Europeana, we use the URL of the Europeana logo for display.


Array (Dataset)

Machine-readable resource related to the manifest that could be used, for example, for search and discovery purposes. A link to a manifest that describes a related object could also be a valid target for this property.

In the case of Europeana, it is used to indicate references for accessing the source metadata for the object (i.e. provided EDM) in the available formats. See Dataset.


Object (Service)

Link to a service that can be utilised to retrieve additional functionalities available for the object, such as searching full-text content (Search Service), or if a IIIF image service is available for the resources related to the canvas (Image Service).


Array (Sequence)

List of all edm:isShownBy and edm:hasView web resources. The order of the canvases is obtained from the edm:WebResource/edm:isNextInSequence in the reverse order. See Sequence.



String (URI)

URI of the canvas that a viewer initialises its display with. This is the canvas related to the edm:isShownBy web resource, or, if absent, the first canvas in the sequence.


Array (Canvas)

Contains an array of canvases, each representing an individual page or view in the sequence. See Canvas.




Indicates the label to be used for displaying a title for the canvas. In the case of Europeana, this is the sequence number of the canvas: “p.{CANVAS_SEQ_NR}”.



Obtained from the respective edm:WebResource/ebucore:height.



Obtained from the respective edm:WebResource/ebucore:width.



Europeana manifests use the text obtained from the text attribution snippet associated with the respective edm:WebResource.


String (URI)

Rights statement that governs the reuse possibilities of the respective web resource (obtained from edm:WebResource/edm:rights, or, if not present, from ore:Aggregation/edm:rights). Value must be URL of one of the available rights statements defined for use in Europeana.


Array (Painting Annotation)

If the content associated with the canvas are image resources that are meant to be painted on the canvas (i.e. their motivation value is “painting), they are included in this property. Only one painting annotation is present per canvas. See Painting Annotation.


Array (Full-text Page)

For some objects, there may be other resources available to display (e.g. transcriptions, commentary annotations, tags, etc). If there is at least one full-text resource associated with the canvas, it is included in this property in the form of an annotation with the motivation value set to “transcribing”.

Painting Annotation


Object (Image Resource)

The image resource to be displayed in the canvas. See Image Resource.


String (URI)

Each image resource has canvas as its target and there can only be one image present per canvas.

Image Resource


String (URL)

Mime type of the web resource obtained from the respective edm:WebResource/ebucore:hasMimeType.



Obtained from the respective edm:WebResource/ebucore:height.



Obtained from the respective edm:WebResource/ebucore:width.


Object (Image Service)

Only present if a IIIF Image service is available for the image. See Image Service.

Image Service


String (URL)

URL that identifies the service, obtained from rdf:about of the respective edm:WebResource/svcs:has_service.

Search Service


String (URL)

URL of the Content Search service for this item.

Metadata Property



Information about the object is conveyed through pairs of labels and values. The label represents the name of the relevant EDM property without the prefix, while the value corresponds to the property's value.

Supported properties include:

  • dc:date, obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:date

  • dc:format, obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:format

  • dc:relation, obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:relation

  • dc:type, obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:type

  • dc:language, obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:language

  • dc:source, obtained from ore:Proxy/dc:source.


Array (Language Value)




Mime type of the format. Europeana supports the following mime types (note there could be other formats supported outside of Europeana):

  • application/ld+json

  • application/json

  • application/rdf+xml.


String (URL)

In the case of Europeana, only EDM is supported.

Language Value



Two-letter ISO-639 language code. If provided EDM property is not language tagged, it is omitted.



Value which can either be a textual or a reference.



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