


‘Other photographs’ related rights



Czechia did not implement Article 14 as non-original reproductions are not protected under Czech copyright law.





Statutory Law

Source language


Provision on copyright 

§ 2 Autorské dílo

(2) Za dílo se považuje též počítačový program, fotografie a výtvor vyjádřený postupem podobným fotografii, které jsou původní v tom smyslu, že jsou autorovým vlastním duševním výtvorem.

§ 28 Volné dílo

Dílo, u kterého uplynula doba trvání majetkových práv, může každý bez dalšího volně užít; ustanovení § 11 odst. 5 věty prvé a § 87a odst. 1 tím nejsou dotčena.


§ 2 Author’s work

(2) As work are also considered computer program, photography and creation represented by process similar to photography which are original in the sense that they are author’s own mental creation.

§ 28 Free work

A work in respect of which the term of proprietary rights has expired may be utilized by anybody without any further provision; Section 11(5) first sentence and Section 87a(1) shall not be affected.

§ 11 

(5) After the death of the author no other person may claim authorship of the work.

§ 87 

a(1) Whoever publishes for the first time an unpublished work in respect of which the term of proprietary rights has expired shall acquire exclusive proprietary rights in that published work to the extent to which the author of the work would have been entitled if his proprietary rights in the work were still subsisting. (note: 25 years duration)

Revised provision on copyright 



Comments / analysis


Provision on related rights for “other photographs”



Revised provision on related rights for “other photographs” 



Comments / analysis



Limitations for CHIs





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