


‘Other photographs’ related rights





Slovakia did not implement Article 14 as non-original reproductions are not protected under Slovak copyright law.



Statutory Law

Source language


Provision on copyright 

§ 3 Dielo

(5) Fotografickým dielom je zachytenie obrazu prostredníctvom fotografického technického zariadenia, ak je výsledkom tvorivej duševnej činnosti autora; žiadne iné podmienky podľa odseku 1 sa neuplatnia.










§ 9 Voľné dielo

(1) Dielo sa stane voľným, ak

a) uplynie doba trvania majetkových práv podľa § 32,

b) autor nemá dedičov alebo ak dedičia odmietnu dedičstvo prijať, a to aj pred uplynutím doby trvania majetkových práv podľa § 32.

(2) Dielo, ktoré sa stalo voľným, možno voľne použiť.

(3) Ustanoveniami odsekov 1 a 2 nie sú dotknuté ustanovenia § 13 ods. 3 a § 60.

§ 3 Work

(1). A work in the area of literature, art or science which represents unique result of creative mental activity of author and which can be perceived through senses without regard to its form, content, quality, purpose or means of representation or degree of completion, is subject to copyright.


(5) A photographic work is defined as capturing of sight through photographic technical device provided this is a result of author’s creative mental activity; no other conditions under par. 1 apply.


§ 9 Free work

(1) A work becomes free if:

a) the term of proprietary rights according to Section 32 has expired,

b) author does not have any heirs or existing heirs reject inheritance, even before expiration of proprietary rights term according to Section 32.

(2) A work which becomes free is free to be used.

(3) Section 13(3) and Section 60 shall not be affected by par. 1 and 2 hereof.

§ 13(3). A person who publishes for the first time an unpublished work after expiration of proprietary rights term, exercises proprietary rights to such work upon its publication.

Revised provision on copyright 



Comments / analysis


Provision on related rights for “other photographs”



Revised provision on related rights for “other photographs” 



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