

Link to legal provisions

Bundesgesetz über das Urheberrecht an Werken der Literatur und der Kunst und über verwandte Schutzrechte (Urheberrechtsgesetz)

Stakeholder dialogues


Out of commerce determination

A ‘good faith belief, based on reasonable efforts and investigations’. No clarification beyond the text of the Directive on what are ‘customary channels of commerce’. No cut-off date established.

Sufficiently representative CMOs 


Conditions for opt-out


Scope of licence


Scope of exception


Publicity measures

No national database established. The declaration to the EUIPO database is to be made by the cultural heritage institution. 

Other conditions

56.f(8) The author is entitled to appropriate remuneration for duplication, broadcasting and public availability in accordance with paragraph 1. Such a claim can only be asserted by collecting societies.

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