

Link to legal provisions


Stakeholder dialogues

Ongoing regarding books, initiated by the National library of Latvia. So far the authors' organisations have agreed, but discussions are still ongoing with publishers. 

Out of commerce determination

Within the meaning of this Law, a work or related rights object shall be deemed to be out of commerce if it has been established upon making reasonable efforts that it can be assumed that the entire work or related rights object is not offered to the public in conventional forms of distribution thereof.

Sufficiently representative CMOs 

 Organisations, that has been included in stakeholders dialogue:

Authors organisation – Akka/Laa  (Representing authors of literary works)

Book publishers -Latvian Book publishers association

Conditions for opt-out


Scope of licence

Still ongoing dialogue. But legislation establishes: The collective management organisation and the cultural heritage institution may agree on a territory within the European Union or European Economic Area where the licensing agreement specified in Paragraph one of this Section is in effect.

Scope of exception

 Exceptions are allowed in the following cases:

  1. if economic rights of the relevant holders of copyright or related rights are not managed by any collective management organisation which has obtained a permit from the Ministry of Culture for the management of the type of the relevant rights and works or related rights objects in accordance with the Law on Collective Management of Copyright;

  2. if the name of the author or any other identifiable holder of copyright or related rights is indicated.

Publicity measures

Ongoing discussions with book publishers. Considered an option to publish information about books in the National Library of Latvia, cooperating with book publishers. 

Other conditions


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