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Search and Related Evaluations at Europeana
(CLEF) IR evaluation campaigns with Europeana Data
- CLEF campaigns.
- Humboldt 2014 translation evaluation
- CHiC - CH in CLEF
Evaluation of Enrichments
- MTSR2012 - Poisonous India or The Importance of a Semantic and Multilingual Enrichment Strategy
- MTSR2014 - A Framework for the Evaluation of Automatic Metadata Enrichments
- EuroMed2014 - Automatic Enrichments with Controlled Vocabularies in Europeana: Challenges and Consequences
- EuropeanaTech: Task Force on Multilingual and Semantic Enrichment Strategy
- EuropeanaTech: task force on evaluation and enrichment:
- PATHS evaluations of enrichments (including query enrichment, background links, item similarity, vocabulary extension):
Usability Evaluation
- Europeana Interface Evaluation (& related)
- Evaluation Report of the Usability of the Europeana Website - User Centric Evaluation of the Europeana Digital Library - Multilingual Access to Digital Libraries: The Europeana Use Case$002fiwp.2013.64.issue-2-3$002fiwp-2013-0014$002fiwp-2013-0014.xml - Cross-lingual information retrieval and semantic interoperability for cultural heritage repositories
- Evaluation Report of the Usability of the Europeana Website
- General
- Evaluating Cultural Heritage Information Access Systems
- Chenchen Sheng's report on Design for User Engagement in Europeana Collection
Evaluation of image similarity
- Presentation from David with his initial assessment, interesting wrt the vision of the product:
- M6.1 Advanced image discovery development plan
- Datasets selected:
- Brief:
- Fields and facets being considered:
- References:
- Related evaluation work: feedback from the pilot evalation task: (very brief description in Analysis.docx page 5 under Q5 section.)
- Demo url:
- D6.1 Advanced image discovery report:
Evaluation of search
- WebWeaving's "Europeana vs. Google evaluation" by Dirk-Willem van Gulik, Ardy Siegert (Antoine will fill later)
- A Use Case Framework for Information Access Evaluation
- 904Labs Offline evaluation
- Reports:
- Minutes of calls:
- Testing and evaluation of the requirements:
- Testing of the service
- Test deployment:
- Code:
Europeana Logfiles data and work that uses them
- List of 'canned searches' (as of March 2017) for log filtration if required:
- 2017 logging framework
- initial experiments and format:
- Log-processing scripts:
- Logs 03/2017 - 09/2017:
- 904Labs (1st half of 2015)
- Reports
- Server:
- Code:
- Bots distribution
- Tickets: #162, #414
- List of crawlers: file:crawlers.txt
- Europeana Logs page at Labs
- Projects that have used Europeana log files:
- The CLEF initiative
- The PATHS project: see more documentation of the project
- ASSETS - Advanced Service Search and Enhancing Technological Solutions: see the related report
- Europeana Connect for analysing users’ attitudes and needs and opens new ways of discovering cultural heritage in Europeana: see the results
- Galateas project
- Information on Europeana logging
- Log actions: file:Europeana_Logs_Actions2010_2011.pdf
- Session clickstreams: file:Europeana_Session_ClickStream.pdf
- Europeana 2012-2013: usage and performance update
- Improving Europeana Search Experience Using Query Logs
- Implementing Recommendations in the PATHS System
- Karl's evaluation of similar items:
- TODO: check what is in Juliane and Vivien's paper at
- TODO: we should try to de-duplicate with
Solr configuration
Configuration files for the Solr backends of the Search API and the Entity API can be found on GitHub.
BM25f Handler
Result ranking is performed in Europeana through use of a Solr plugin which ranks in line with the BM25F algorithm. The BM25F plugin is supplied with a machine-learning framework for learning the weights to be applied to the various fields.
Code for the BM25F plugin is here:
Code for running the machine-learning framework can be found here:
The code and instructions in the Github repos above are reasonably self-contained. Background information, however, is provided byDeliverable 2.2.3 - Metadata-Based Indexing and Ranking.
Thematic Collections Aliasing
The purpose of the Thematic Collections Aliasing (Thecla) extension is to allow the use of short aliases to refer to the lengthy queries used to create thematic collections.
Note that Thecla is not strictly-speaking a plugin - it involves changes to the Solr core package outside the usual plugin classes.
Entity Collection
The Entity Collection is intended to support a number of functionalities, including but not limited to:
- Autocomplete
- High retrieval precision
- Entity pages
- Structuring of Europeana content as a knowledge graph
Substantial work has gone into the creation and curation of the Entity Collection. The pages here are intended to describe only those points at which the Entity Collection intersects specifically with Search functionality - chiefly via the Entity API.
The code for Thecla, and complete documentation on its deployment and use, can be found on GitHub:
Two kinds of testing are necessary to ensure a Solr deployment is ready for use by API clients.
Operationaltesting ensures that Solr, as a service, is behaving as expected: that it can be queried, and is reasonably responsive to such queries.
Contenttesting ensures that the data is as expected and is being served as expected - for example, that fields defined as tokenised are in fact being tokenised.
At the moment, operational testing is an automated affair, while content testing is largely manual. Although work is underway on improving the automation of content-testing, at time fo writing (2017.12.14) content testing will be a partially- or largely-manual affair for the foreseeable future.
An overview of how to use SolrMeter can be found in ourGitHub testing repository. Settings and sample queries are in addition provided for theSearchandEntityAPIs.
Search API
Tests for the Solr deployment powering the Search API are currently listed in theTests Reindexdocument.
ASpike documentinto the feasibility of creating an automated harness and reporting mechanism for such tests has been completed, but has not yet been resolved into actionable tickets.
Entity API
At the moment the small size and fluctuating content of the Entity Collection has meant that no large-scale approach to testing has been developed.
Code and documentation for the Solr layer of autocomplete functionality, including ETL scripts to transform EC contents from Mongo to Solr and Solr configuration files, can be found in the Europeana SearchAutocompleteGitHub directory.
The current (i.e., as of 2017.12.18) implementation of the Entity Collection at the Solr level uses the following formula for ranking:
ln((1 + Wikidata PageRank) * Europeana document count) * 1000
The addition of 1 to the PageRank score is to prevent values < 1 penalising the relevance score; the natural log and multiplication by 1000 is simply to get the numbers into a range Solr deals with comfortably.
The calculation of PageRank is done according to the methodology developed by Thalhammer and Rettinger, and described in their paper PageRank on Wikipedia: Towards General Importance for Entities.
Further discussion of this formula, and some of its challenges in relation to Europeana content, can be found in the Basecamp thread on the subject.
Language Logic
Multilinguality significantly complicates the logic of autosuggest functionality, raising questions such as: should matches be attempted across linguistic boundaries? If so, under what circumstances? If not, what should be done in cases where entities are missing language labels? And so forth.
This complexity means that the question of language-handling logic is continually under review. The currently-implemented logic is outlined as Option Four in the Entity Collection: Cross-Language Matching and Relevance Logic document.
More recent discussions of alternative approaches can be found in the Entity API: suggest language logic (v3) document.
Query Strategy
This page is intended as a placeholder until such a time as the strategy for querying Europeana Collections using the Entity Collection has been decided - that is to say: what query is launched once an entity from the dropdown autocomplete has been picked?
Logging for search purposes records, broadly speaking, three pieces of information:
- search and filter terms used
- number of results returned
- the rank of the items clicked
Harvesting of this information occurs in three steps:
- First, all API interactions, including search interactions, are sent to the ElasticSearch - Kibana - Logstash (ELK) stack for initial, virtually raw, logging.
- Scripts are then used to query the ELK application and retrieve all user IDs.
- These user IDs are then used to query the ELK stack and retrieve all interactions on a user-by-user basis. The result is query files that are organised chronologically, by user.
In addition, at times other scripts may be written ad hocfor post-procoessing and analysis of particular questions as they arise
The ELK-stack has provided a complete guide to ELK logging. For the purposes of search analysis, however, most users will find it sufficient to know how to query an ELK instance. Note that the query syntax used is that of ElasticSearch (which is in turn very similar to that of Solr).
The Europeana ELK instance can be found at The easiest way to filter this logging-firehose down to search activity only is to issue the query
+message:"Search Interaction"
This query will reduce the flow of information to two kinds of messages:
1. Initial searches resulting in a search-result list. Entries regarding such searches will have in their 'message' field contents of the following form:Search interaction: * Search parameters: {"q"=>"Ryckaert"} * Total hits: 121
2. Which item in the search-result list was clicked. These entries are of the following form (again in the 'message'field):
Search interaction: * Record: /92062/BibliographicResource_1000126163678 * Search parameters: {"q"=>"Ryckaert"} * Total hits: 121 * Result rank: 3
If you are trying to narrow down these results still further (for example, to track the progress of a particular query), add one of the sought-for search terms to your ELK query. For example, to track down all searches related to 'Boethius', perform a search of the form:
+message:"Search interaction" +message:Boethius
Querying for users
While the ELK-stack logs (amongst other things) all API interactions, this information needs to be filtered and processed in order to be useful.
The first step in this process is specifying a period of time for which we wish to retrieve search interactions, and harvesting all User IDs employed during this time. This is performed using the script; full instructions for using this script can be found in the relevant directory on GitHub.
Privacy Concerns
Note that the User IDs employed are simply cookies set on a browser whenever the Collections homepage is accessed: they store no information whatsoever about the user, and no information about the user is retrievable using this cookie-based ID beyond the searches executed and items retrieved by that user. Furthermore, there is no way to connect these cookie-based IDs with IDs issued to the same individual if the relevant cookies are deleted.
A note on terminology
Because of the limitations noted under 'Privacy Concerns', the cookie-based IDs issued by the Europeana site might arguably be referred to as 'session' rather than 'user' identifiers. In fact, the scripts used to retrieve these IDs and their inline documentation typically refer to them as 'session IDs'. However, 'sessions' are more normally considered to refer to particular time-delimited periods of user activity, while these identifiers potentially span several such sessions. The term 'user' rather than 'session' identifiers is accordingly used here.
Retrieving Interactions
Once all the User IDs for a given span of time have been retrieved and written to the `intermediate_output/sessions/` directory, the actual interactions made by each user need to be retrieved from the logs. This work is done by the script. Full instructions for using this script can be found in the relevant directory on GitHub.
The results of this script (log entries organised chronologically by user) are written to the `intermediate_output/entries_by_session` directory.
Search and Multilinguality
Work on search and multiinguality has typically yielded two forms of output:
- Evaluations and tools for evaluation, including multilingual query testbeds.
- White papers and other reports regarding best practice in this area.
Query translation
- Evaluation of a 250 query corpus in English, French and German performed within the Galateas project:
- Documentation of Creation of Gold Standard from Europeana Query Corpus
- Query corpus in English: file:English_corpus_Europeana.xml
- Query corpus in French: file:French_corpus_Europeana.xml
- Query corpus in German: file:German_corpus_Europeana.xml
- Evaluation of Query Translation in Europeana: file:Auswertung_evaluation.pdf
- D7.4 - Final Evaluation of Query Translation: file:GALATEAS_D7_4.pdf
- Evaluation using the Portal (done using the same corpus as in the Galateas Project):
Multilingual Saturation
- Extensive work on measuring the multilinguality of Europeana metadata has been undertaken through 2016 and 2017 by Peter Kiraly, Juliane Stiller, and Vivien Petras.
- A description and overview of the work can be found in the Multilingual Saturation of Metadata document, along with relevant links and instructions for the Metadata Quality Assurance Framework application.
Crowdsourced Multilingual Queries
See the attached tarball for a list of non-English queries submitted by users, along with their ratings of the resulting SERP and other comments.
The Entity Collection
- A bar chart illustrating the multilingual coverage and contribution of the Entity Collection can be found on Slide Ten of the Entitifying Europeana presentation.
Péter Király (2015) "Query Translation in European", Code4Lib Journal, Issue 27,
Juliane Stiller, Vivien Petras, Maria Gäde, Antoine Isaac (2014) "Automatic Enrichments with Controlled Vocabularies in Europeana: Challenges and Consequences", in: Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. EuroMed 2014, pp. 238-247
J. Stiller, M. Gäde, and V. Petras (2010), Ambiguity of Queries and the Challenges for Query Language Detection, in CLEF 2010 Labs and Workshops Notebook Papers, ed. by M. Braschler, D. Harman and E. Pianta
- Juliane Stiller and Vivien Petras (2016), White Paper on Best Practice for Multilingual Access
- IIiX2014 - Multilingual Interface Preferences
- Private copy at Dropbox
- Maria Gäde's PhD Thesis - Country and language level differences in multilingual digital libraries
- Which Log for Which Information? Gathering Multilingual Data from Different Log File Types