Immersive storytelling: User (editor) feedback 2024

Immersive storytelling: User (editor) feedback 2024


Iteration 1: Released 20 June 2023

Feedback gathered via the #immersive-storytelling Slack channel

  1. How have you found using the new modules so far?

    1. 'it's been pretty easy to use and has great results so far tbh! I found myself wanting to use several text blocks that scroll over the same image, instead of the restriction of just a single text block per slide now.'

  2. How did you find the title & subtitle character limits?

    1. ‘title and subtitle limits were perfectly fine!’

  3. Re: adding Contentful’s image focus app

    1. ‘I'm a big fan of being able to choose the focal point myself, Mastodon does this already on its platform and it's super useful!’

Suggestions for second iteration:

  1. Update image text slide group to allow 1-3 text blocks per image. Ideally if they choose this option, they will only have one image and not multiple - I will add that to the guidelines. We could possibly restrict later on if needed.

  2. Add Contentful’s image focal point app. This will allow editors to choose the focal point of the image, ensuring the image looks optimal on desktop AND mobile. (Link to Slack conv)

  3. Additional Contentful improvements requested by editors

    1. Some contents of ‘Add content’ dropdown pulled out to be a series of quick-action buttons (e.g. Image with Alt; Link; Rich text; Add existing content)

    2. Get them stats on their editorial? E.g. ‘This many stories in [language] published in [time period]'


Note: Update the guidelines document as the feature is iterated upon.

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