

Using consistent colours helps to distinguish our brand and consolidate experiences across our organisation. We use colour to deliberately highlight different aspects of our communications and products. Do not forget to check our section “Which colours should I use?” to better understand the use of colour for each Europeana entity.

Primary palette

Our primary palette uses a bright and bold colour together with a contrasting white and black. It is used throughout our products and marketing to direct the eye and highlight important sections.

Innovation Blue

Hex #0A72CC

Hex #1A1A1A


RGB 10, 114, 204

RGB 26,26,26

RGB 255, 255, 255

CMYK 95, 44, 0, 20

CMYK 73, 67, 65, 78


PMS 285 C



Secondary palette

We complement our primary palette with more varied and colourful secondary palette colours to infuse energy and diversity. We rely on these colours more frequently within our products and marketing, online and print. When used in conjunction with our primary palette, this palette emboldens and reinforces our brand.

Hex #219D31

Hex #E11D53

Hex #D9D4C4

RGB 33, 157, 49

RGB 225, 29, 83

RGB 217, 212, 202

CMYK 79, 0, 69, 38

CMYK 0, 87, 63, 12

CMYK 13, 11, 14,0

Extended palette

The extended palette consists of all the usable tints and shades of each colour in the palette. Solely used on screen, they add an additional colour range to our products and online marketing.

Hex #79B2E3

Hex #085395

Hex #71C07B

Hex #197324

Hex #E95A81

Hex #A4163D

RGB 121, 178, 227

RGB 8, 83, 149

RGB 113, 192, 123

RGB 25, 115, 36

RGB 233, 90, 129

RGB 164, 22, 61

Furthermore, we use different shades of gray throughout our communications and website.

Hex #F1F1EE

Hex #A6A6A6

Hex #808080

Hex #4D4D4D

RGB 241, 241, 238

RGB 166, 166, 166

RGB 128, 128, 128

RGB 77, 77, 77

Which colour should I use?

The best way to visualise this is with an umbrella and the outside of that umbrella corresponds to the Europeana Initiative, encompassing all its elements.

For the Initiative the colour should be ‘Innovation Blue’ and the logo should be the ‘Basic’ variation, all of these elements can be found on Pro’s branding guidelines page.

The inside of this umbrella will encompass the three entities that form the Europeana Initiative, each of them with its own colour and logo. These colours and logos should be used when each entity is acting or communicating on its own individual accord.

A simple diagram to better visualise what’s mentioned above:

Examples of colours being used on our communications

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