Europeana Products

On this page, you will find all the requirements for Europeana’s products regarding the use of colours, logos, and general UI elements. Please don’t change, distort, recolour, or reconfigure it.

Check all branding information for our products:

Europeana Training

Logo and favicon: The logo for the Europeana Training platform should only be used in the top navigation bar of the platform. Do not forget to add the favicon to the page, which is the same as other Europeana products.



Europeana Training logo


Asset 5.png
Europeana Training favicon

Typefaces: We use two different typefaces for Europeana’s products. On Europeana Training platform, we use Ubuntu for our titles and calls to action. We might use it in bold, semibold or regular, depending on the hierarchical level of the title. We use Open Sans for our body text. Its minimal aesthetics make it easier to read and contrast with Ubuntu.


Colours: All buttons, links, and background colours of Europeana’s products follow the same three colours. Please make sure to use the codes provided here.

Hex #0A72CC

Hex #1A1A1A


RGB 10, 114, 204

RGB 26,26,26

RGB 255, 255, 255

CMYK 95, 44, 0, 20

CMYK 73, 67, 65, 78


PMS 285 C



Thumbnails: We use images to illustrate the courses offered by the Europeana Training platform. The thumbnails consists of:

  • An image from the collection or a photo from Europeana’s Flickr page

    • Make sure to use our Canva template for these thumbnails, as they have the correct dimensions

  • If working together with partners:

    • Make sure to add Europeana’s logo and the partner’s logo on the bottom of the thumbnail, on top of a white rectangle

  • If a label is needed:

    • You can add labels to your thumbnail. Make sure to use the correct Canva Template, where you can edit the text of the thumbnail. Your label can contain the following expressions:

      • ‘New course’

      • Add here