More than half of the members of the newsletter is older than 60 years, regular visitors are relatively often in their twenties
Nine out of ten members of the newsletter visited the Europeana website more than a year ago, almost half of the regular visitors visited Europena less than a year ago
The younger the members and regular visitors are, the more frequent they visit the Europeana website
Both the members and visitors are well spread over countries worldwide, the majority of both members and visitors come from Europe
Most of the members and regular visitors currently work, among the regular visitors there are relatively much students (one out of five)
Cultural heritage, art and history are overall the most popular areas of interest, compared to newsletter members, regular visitors are relatively often interested in fashion (one out of five)
Compared to the group of newsletter members the areas of interest of the regular visitors are more divers and much more spread across the different age groups
Three out of ten regular visitors visit Europeana to find a specific object, while members of the newsletter more often browse content to get inspired
Images and texts are the most used media types, 3D-objects are more often accessed by regular visitors