Newsletter templates
We have a number of templates in Zoho, that can be updated and customised to suit your needs, with different colour headers/fonts depending on whether the newsletter is coming from the Europeana Foundation, Europeana Network Association or Europeana Aggregator Forum. They are split by:
Foundation templates - These have a beige header and are for anything coming directly from the Europeana Foundation (e.g member states)
ENA templates - These have raspberry header and are for anything coming directly from the Europeana Network Association (e.g communities)
EAF templates - These have a green header and are for anything coming directly from the Europeana Aggregators Forum
General templates - For general public audiences (e.g eNews)
Professional templates - For CHI audiences coming more from the wider initiative (e.g conference, capacity building)
Within each newsletter template there are a number of different content types you can use. Below we explain what each is, and how to get the best out of them.
Header image
Each newsletter or email should have its own, distinct header image. You can keep the same image for multiple editions of your newsletter to help breed familiarity and distinctiveness. The image should be 710 x 360 px and be edited in canva* and signed off by Ana. Remember which entity in the Europeana Initiative the newsletter is coming from, as that will determine the colour overlay branding.
*Canva template for the banner images (This is a template. In order to create your own image, you need to create a copy of this file.)
Page one is for the General newsletter
Page two is for the ENA newsletter
Page three is for the EAF newsletter
Page four is for the Foundation newsletter
After editing the Canva document, download .png selecting the number of the page you desire and replace the image in the banner block in Mailchimp’s template.
Image and text content (content types: ‘’image’’, ‘’text’’, ‘’image + text’’)
Aim for an attractive image that reflects the content that will appear in the text. Make sure it has an open licence.
The large images should be sized 710 x 400 px. Use the Zoho Large horizontal images’ template: Download a .png and replace the image in the respective image block.
The small images should be sized 800 x 800 px. Use the Zoho Square image’s template: Download a .png and replace the image in the respective image block.
Keep the title short, keep the font size that is used in the template for maximum impact and make sure it’s engaging!
Keep the text here to a maximum of 10 lines and two paragraphs. If there is any text you really want the reader to remember, then make it stand out by bolding it. Keep links here to a minimum with a maximum of 1-2 in total, and if you have an important link you want people to click on, then add a button at the bottom.
Split text content (content type: text with 2 or 3 columns)
Aim for an attractive image that reflects the content that will appear in the text. Make sure it has an open licence. The image should be in a square shape.
Keep the title very short here, no more than 6 words.
The text here should be no more than 25 words with only one link in the text.
We have special illustrations to be used in our Newsletters. They are already embedded in our template, but you can also find all of them in this drive (high resolution).
Events might require different banners and colours, especially when we are talking about the Europeana 20XX’s conference. Contact Ana in this case, as it is a special case.
Other tips for your design
Make sure you’re choosing engaging images and using the correct colours - according to your audience. If you ever have questions about this process, or if you need specific images and illustrations, make sure to contact Ana.